Chapter 54

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John and Jane both had their cloths off floating in the pool and John was grinding against Jane and making out with her. I screamed and they both noticed I was standing there watching them. Jane pushed John off of her and John quickly swam over to me apologizing. 

I backed away from him "No. No. This isn't happening I-" I started stumbling over my words. I ran off in the house and started crying. I ran to our room and started packing some cloths in a suitcase. I couldn't, he cheated on me with my best friend! I was sobbing hysterically.

Paul came into the room. "Penny? You okay? I heard you crying" He said. I pushed him away "P-Paul they cheated on us!" I screeched.  He gave me a confused look "Who?" He said worriedly. I cried harder, Paul put his arm around me "Who Penny?" He asked again. "Jane and John!" I shouted and put a coat on. "Th-they did what?" His voice cracked. 

" They were doing stuff in the pool! I can't stay here, I need to go for awhile!" I said and started heading out the door, Paul grabbed my arm. "Penny, this wasn't the first time" He said quietly. I started shaking uncontrollably. I pushed Paul and ran out of the house. My hair was still soaking wet from my shower but I didn't care. I ran as far and as long as I could. 

I was devastated, I've always been loyal to John. I pulled my coat collar closer to my neck as it started snowing. My teeth chattered and my body shook. I managed to find a taxi and get a ride to a nearby hotel. I checked into a room and sat my bags down and plopped onto the hotels bed. 

I began crying again. My heart hurt so bad, I couldn't believe he did this to me. I cried so hard that I ended up accidentally falling asleep.

It Wont Be Long ♡♡JWL (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora