"What?" I snap.

She sighs.

"I need help finding my phone charger!"

Over a fucking phone charger.

At two thirty in the fucking morning.

I shut my eyes in annoyance. Noah shifts inside of me, and I start moving my hips, because I want him, right now. I bite my lip, moving faster.

Noah pulls out of me, fully hard.

"Mom." Ruby says.

"I'll be there in a few minutes!" I snap.

"I want to go to bed, and my phone is going to die!"

"Then I'll find it and plug it in while you sleep!" I snap.

"Why can't you just come out now?" she demands.

I shut my eyes, irritated.

"Ruby, just go in your room, she'll be there in a few minutes." Noah calls.

I hear her groan, and then the sound of stomping feet, and then her door shutting.

Immediately, Noah starts kissing me, slipping back inside me.


I go back to Rose's room.

"I don't understand why she won't help me now." I grumble.

"Mom had a long day. She's probably exhausted." Rose says.

She's probably right.


A half hour later, I've showered with Noah, having another round, and then I pull on a thong and a pair of sweatpants, and a black t-shirt. I throw my wet hair into a bun, ripping the door open.

I'm on my period, so we just fucked on a towel. I don't give a shit, and Noah doesn't either. We shower afterwards usually.

Plus, I'm easily horny on my period. I'm pretty sur every girl is.

I walk to Ruby's room, opening the door.

She's not in here.

Sighing, I go to Rose's room.

They're all in here.

"What do you need?" I ask.

"I lost my phone charger." She says.

I let out a slow breath. She gets up. I walk into her bedroom, and she follows me.

The kids follow her. I move her pillows.

"I already looked there." She says.

I ignore her, pulling her blankets off the bed.

They're not there. I make her bed again.

"I checked everywhere in here." She says.

I look through her backpack.

"Mom, I checked there!" she says, exasperated.

"Do you want me to find it or not?" I ask.

She sighs.

I look under the bed.

I walk into her bathroom.

It's a mess in here. Her room is getting messy too, but the bathroom is covered in clothes and toothpaste stains in the sink.

It's disgusting.

"Ruby, this is gross." I say. "You're cleaning this tomorrow." I add.

"Yes ma'am."

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