Chapter 31

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??: Where do you want this last box Nia?
Me: just put it in the's the plates
??: Okay

Y'all i finally did it...I moved into my condo.. we been moving shit in since yesterday..and I've been trying to fix the place up alittle bit..but it's been kinda hard cause Carmella been crying all day..

??: alright that's the last of em Nia
Me: Thank u Jon the payment us already at your office
Jon: okay enjoy your crib..

Jon is nice...get yourself a Jon... Jon knows alot about moving..

Me: Carmella wanna see your new room..

I took her from her seat on the couch and carried her in my arms to her room... We got to the end of the hall and I opened the door to her room

Me: Yahh look so pretty..

Her room was fabulous.. everything was like pink cheetah and shit.. Everything was cheetah to bears, the crib, carpet, the curtains..I had to keep the walls white tho.. I made the movers do her room first cause I want her to be comfortable.. the only thing they did to my room was put the bed and dresser in there..i gotta do the rest..that's why I need Mella ass sleep for this ..

Me: Okay you know what...Baby you need to catch some 💤💤

I placed her in her crib gently with her bears.. then I turned on her princess mobile and her baby monitor ..maybe now she will go to sleep..

I walked out her room and I walked into my room ...all I have is boxes full of clothes.. I walked to the middle of the room and picked up the biggest box..and walked to my closet..this might take a while..


Radio- Set The Roof

Jimmi: 🎶We set the roof, we set the roof We set the roof on fire🎶

Me: Jimmi...Jimmi...JIMMI
Jimmi: what Nigga?
Me: I gotta ask you something
Jimmi: no you high..
Me: I'm not that high
Jimmi: You know ion like talking to you when you high
Me: ...why?
Jimmi: you say dumb shit..
Me: No what I'm finna say isn't's smart

Jimmi rubbed his eyes and then gave me his attention

Me: Okay so if this girl is giving me head right..and I nut in her mouth
Jimmi: fuck
Me: And she swallows it...doesn't that make it a kids meal ??
Jimmi: ......
Me: Think about that ...let it soak in yo membrane real quick
Jimmi:...Give me some of that

Jimmi reached for my blunt and I handed it to him..Mike made me that blunt yesterday.. it's all fat and shit..but he wouldn't tell me what he put in it..but he did say it would.blow my I feel smart as fuck

Jimmi: I'm pretty sure this blunt gon make me lose brain cells
Me: I know ain't that the beauty of it.
Jimmi: for you
Me: If you gon insult my shit give me my shit back..
Jimmi: Stop playing

His Ol gay ass...wait I got another question again..

Me: Jimmi?? Jimmi??
Jimmi: Let me be peaceful Nigga
Me: I got another question
Jimmi: I don't wanna hear it swae
Me: come on
Me: who knew what time it was when the first clock was made??
Jimmi:..shut yo dumb ass up
Me:...can't take the heat man

Buzzz Buzzz Buzz

Jimmi: Get yo phone off the table..that sound is fucked up
Me: you complaining too fucking much ..fucking up my high

I reached for my phone and checked was a message from.Nia

Nia💍👑😘: Aye can you come over later and help me fix my TV
Me: what wrong with yo TV
Nia💍👑😘: It's won't let me watch anything
Me: I don't  know where you live remember
Nia💍👑😘: is you gon come over or not
Me: Yes..just need to know where the fuck I'm going
Nia💍👑😘: Sana Monica Road.. the condo next to the pier
Me: the blue one or red one
Nia💍👑😘: the white one dumbass
Me:..I hope you got gas money for that shit

She ain't text me back Ol cheap ass...

Me: I gotta go
Jimmi: can I keep this
Me:..Save some tho

                 1 Hour Later

Nia: do you even know what you doing
Me: don't worry about want my assistance
Nia: well
Me: What do you have?
Nia: Umm U Verse or Dish I think
Me: you have u verse dumbass...who wired yo TV
Nia: ion know some white people
Me: Yeah ..most likely white people cause this ain't Nigga rigged

I kept pressing buttons until the screen turned blue..and then it turned to regular TV

Nia: yayya
Me: right I'm.the man
Nia: yeah okay..but thank you
Me: where's Carmella??
Nia: sleep like dog and I still need to put things away
Me: let me help..I'm here already
Nia: ...yeah I could use it
Me: yeah..If you lucky I might be able to clean yo basement
Nia:...I don't have a basement..

LMAO she'lol get it later..

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