Chapter 30

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Me: I thought you ain't want me in the same room alone with her
Nia: I don't but We gotta finish the music video today and ion got nobody to watch her
Me:.What about yo sister?
Nia: she at work
Me: yo momma
Nia: Nigga you know she in Atlanta
Me: go hire a baby sitter
Nia: you is so acting like I'm asking you to be her daddy right now..all I want you to do it watch yo mfker daughter for a couple a fucking that too much to ask
Me:..Right now yes
Nia: watch her ..I will be back at 5 ..dumbass

I looked down at Carmella..she was sleep in my hands ..

Nia: Here's her baby bag..her toys..her bottle and some instructions for you to follow
Nia:..Yeah when to feed her..clean her..bathe her...and put her to sleep
Nia: okay bye mommy's baby *kisses her on her forehead* Don't fuck this up Jimmi

Nia left and I was all alone with this child... I'm thinking to myself that maybe this would be easy

                      1 Hour Later


This is awkward as hell..we been like this for a whole hour ...she not doing shit.. I sat her in her car seat thing on the couch  and she ain't did shit but look at me ..It was so boring that I moved to the other couch so her lameness wouldn't fly on me

Me:...You don't do much do you
Carmella:.... is this what you do when you at home...just sit there emotionless
Me:..I'm finna call yo momma cause I know you don't do this shit at home

I pulled out my phone and I dialed Nia's number's ringing..Ha look at chu scared and shit .

Nia: Hello?
Me: Yeah..I got a question
Nia: what I'm busy
Me:..It's just gonna take a second..what exactly do when she's with you
Nia: Everything..she's always happy..laughing..smiling why?
Me: Okay..why she acting dead with me
Nia: cause she don't know you fool
Me: how she don't know me ?
Nia: this is like her second time seeing you right?? You have to make an her that she's in a loveable environment..look I gotta go...I somewhat believe in you
Me: wait don't hang up


She hung up ..what she mean make a loveable environment..that sound so fucking stupid bro ...I'm so fucking irritated

Me: This Some Bullshit !!

I looked at Carmella and she was smiling at me for some reason ....she must be laughing at me getting mad

Me: is that what makes you happy? Seeing yo daddy hurt
Carmella: *smiling*
Me: See now we getting somewhere..

I got up and I sat down on the couch she was on..I picked up and up I started to play with her ..I guess she does look pretty or whatever..

                A few hours later

Me: okay's time to eat...let's see what yo momma packed you ...

I looked through Carmella's baby bag and I found to bottles of milk I think..

Me:.."Breast Milk"??? And "Baby Formula"..this one came out of ha titits ...okay Imma give you the Boob Juice first

I sat her on my lap and I started to feed her her bottle.. she started drinking that shit fast..ion think she realize where that came from..

Knock Knock Knock

Me: Coming.. Let's go answer the door .

I took the bottle out of her mouth and replaced it with her pacifier..I picked up her and we walked to answer the door ..I opened the door and it was ....Red...and she looked pissed

Me: Wassup ...Red
Red:..don't wassup red me

She pushes passed me and walked into my slot like she crazy

Me: aye watch what the fuck you doing..if you would've made me drop her would've Iked yo ass bro

I closed the door and walked back to my seat on the couch

Red: Wym?? Who baby is that??
Me:...Mines Obviously
Red:...I thought you didn't wAnna see her
Me: I never said that
Red: Lying ass...anyway come on
Red: Come on let's go ...ion wanna be late

The fuck she Talm bout

Me: Late for what
Red:..Umm out for promised me last night that you would take me out to some place fancy and treat me like a princess
Me: a damn lie
Red: I'm Forreal...cause I did that thing that you wanted me to do

                        Flash Back

Red and Jimmi was playing 2K In Jimmi's room..

Red: Jimmi I wanna go out
Jimmi: Cause I'm busting yo ass right now?
Red: Nigga no..I mean like you and me go out on a date and shit
Jimmi: why would we do that
Red: Cause it's the Couples thing to do

Jimmi raised his eyebrows when she said couples ...Red pretended that she ain't see that .

Red: anyway I think we should go's gonna be fun
Jimmi: I think you lying cause you said that playing 2K with you was going to be fun but you fucking it up by talking about a date
Red: Plzzzzzzzzzz!!!
Jimmi: Ugh shut the fuck up..
Jimmi: Look when you slob on my knob that's when Imma take you out
Red: what?
Jimmi: Yup you slob on my shit that's when Imma take you out..make you feel like a princess if you wanted to 😂😂😂

Just nasty.. I'm not gonna get into any details because y'all know what she did..Nasty bitch


Me: awe yeah that did see I can't I'm watching my daughter right now
Red: Really tho -

Red got cut off by the front door opening ...Swae and Nia walked in..

Nia: all you had to do was open the fucking door
Swae: I was doing that Nigga
Nia: Let me get my baby..Hey Jimmi
Me: wassup y'all..y'all early.
Nia: early??..Boy it's 9 sum..we late if anything
Jimmi: Damn I ain't even know
Nia: Yes you was having too much fun ..lost track of time
Jimmi: Shut up
Nia: good you got her sleep too .

I looked down and She was sleep. Damn red making me miss shit

Nia:..Thanks for watching her

Nia picked up her baby bag and I gave her the baby

Nia: bye y'all
Swae: you need a ride
Nia: Nigga I drove you..take yo drunk ass to bed..

Nia pushed swae and she left...

Swae:..I'm finna go to bed..Hey red .
Red: Hi

Swae went to his room and he left me alone with Red ain't watching yo baby now

Lemme just take her out ..cause she ain't never gon leave

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