Chapter 25

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Me: don't worry about that
??: Nahh man why would you be stupid enough to take a deal like that
Me: I made up that deal
??: Bruh
Me: Why is you so worried about's not yo business

Swae been grillin me for days now because of me and Nia's arrangement ...ion think there's nothing wrong with it personally..I spend a little time with the baby and Nia at the same time...Nia gets paid big money and ion get to be on child support..everybody's happy..

Swae: But That's your fucking baby bro
Me: I know...I was there when it happened.
Me: I'm sorry ..that was fucked up of me but, Ion wanna be a full time dad right now..with everything crazy right now I just can't..
Swae: Nigga we got the same schedule..what the fuck you got going on different
Me:..well besides music..I been you know hanging around the strip clubs and I'm thinking about going on tour
Swae:..Fool what tour
Me: Strip Club Tour

See I'm trying to start a 12 day strip club tour. I go to strip clubs in different states then Imma announce which one is the dopest...Good Idea ain't it?? I know right...Imma spend money and get money at the same damn time..

Me:..What you think
Swae:..10 12 Days.
Me: Yup
Swae: there like a prize or some shit like that for the best strip club
Me:...Yeah...Imma be promoting they shit..

Swae stared at me for a was like he was deciding if I was smart Or stupid..

Swae:..After a seconds thought I decided you are so fucking a really dumb can you fucking be Forreal
Me: Nigga what the fuck you been doing as of late..
Swae: I been in the studio..recording ..
Me: With Nia
Swae: Fuck you

Swae and Nia been working on this song for a while Now...they finished recording it and shit but I never heard it..I guess they want me to be a random ass fan and wait to hear the mfker..fuck that I got better things to do.

Swae: Will you be at the hospital when she born at least
Me: Duh Nigga I ain't no dead beat
Swae:.....Right..well I got to go
Me: where you going
Swae: I got to go give Nia her half of the money
Me: what money
Swae: Her $24,000
Me: Damn..y'all got paid already
Swae:  Yup and she can't really leave the Imma be the the fucking mailman
Me: You just want an excuse to go see her...
Swae: .So
Me: Ion need an excuse, Cause you know
Swae:...You straight petty bro...
Me: I'm sorry man😂😂

Swae grAbbed his keys off the counter and left mad as fuck ..I play too much.


Radio~ All The Way Up

Nothing can stop me, I'm all the way up
All the way up
I'm all the way up
I'm all the way up
Nothing can stop me, I'm all the way up

This song dope as fuck...this is becoming my favorite song.. y'all I love driving during the day know crusin with the windows down, leaning back and shit..just straight chilling..

Me: What the fuck..I know damn well she ain't

As I was pulling up to Nia's crib I can see her big taking out the trash..she not suppose to be up.. I pulled up and I parked my car right in front of ha ass

Me: what the fuck is you doing *gets out car*
Nia: The fuck it look like I'm doing...I'm taking out the trash

I lean on the hood of my car and I watched her short ass  struggle with the garbage with my arms crossed..

Me: You look so sad
Nia:..Nigga yo life is sad

She finally put the trash in the dumpster after about 5 minutes..

She Walked over to my Car and sat on it..

Nia: why you here
Me: Damn you ain't even gon ask if you can sit on my car...I'm not even sitting on my car, I'm leaning..and you sitting
Nia: Shut up, I'm giving yo car life right now
Me: Yeah is the money from the song plus interest..greedy ass * Hands her the money*
Nia: I'm not greedy ...I'm just a businesswoman who knows her ...Business
Me:...Yeah whatever..look I got to talk to you
Nia: about what
Me: My feelings
Nia: Oh boy...
Me: Look I know we been broken up and you probably like it this way but..I don't ..I feel like we should try to fix this..fix us..there was never a time when we couldn't overcome everything that was thrown at us...we can't stop what we
Me:..damn you couldn't wait til I was finished to break my heart
Nia:...Oh No
Me: Damn you know how fucked up something like that is

Nia grabbed my Arm and started squeezing it

Me: Shit what's wrong with you

I looked at her and she was looking down with her mouth opened..I looked down at what she was looking at..My car and her pants was wet...Did her water just break...ON MY CAR

Me: Did yo-
Nia: It's time
Me: You got to be shitting me

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