Chapter 26

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Me: Owe..Owe Fucking Owe
Daddy: Baby girl sit down the doctor said he will be back with a nurse
Me: I'm going into fucking labor why are they not here trying to get the mfker out
Daddy: You heard them, they need time to prepare they wasn't expecting the birth this week
Swae: He right you need to calm down
Me: Don't say nothing to me
Daddy: Your contractions are a few minutes apart, they need to wait for that last con-
Me: Oweeeeeeeee * bends down*
Daddy: Oh shit get a doctor in here

A sharp ass pain came through my vagina...It's Time..She Wants to come out Forreal.

                      5 Hours Later

Me: ah

I was trying to open my eyes but it was hard...kinda pain full.. I tried opening them slowly..everything was blurry..

Once I opened my eyes I was blinded by a big white light..bright as fuck

Me: Shit man
??: Ooh she's up

I could hear sounded like my momma

Me: Mommy?
Momma: Hey sleepy head

My pussy hurt bro wtf

Me: why my vagina hurt
Daddy: Cause you pushed out a baby
Me: Oh...Where is she ..I wanna see her
Momma: SuSu took her outside to show Jimmy and Mike
Me: I wanna see her

My momma left the room to go get my baby.. my daddy walked up to me and he rubbed my head

Daddy: you did good kiddo
Me: Thank You Daddy

The door opened and Swae, Mike, Jimmi, SuSu, And my momma walked in, holding Carmella 😍😍✨

Me: Omgg
Momma: here's yo baby girl

They walked towards me and she gently placed her in my arms.. I supported her neck with my arm and I held her gently with my free arm..

She's so beautiful..With her Curly Black Hair, Big Brown Eyes & And Light Carmel Skin..Pure Beauty 😍👑✨ but something ain't adding up to me

Me: Wait..Her head is so small
Momma: So?
Me: How a head this small ruin a perfectly good vagina
Daddy: What?
Me: My fucking g vagina hurts
Momma: That's so normal
Swae: and I wouldn't call it a perfectly good Vagina
Me: Excuse you
Swae: I mean it's good but it ain't perfectly good...I had it's highly amazing but it's not perfectly good know what I'm saying

Is he saying my pussy game whack

Me: Are you saying what I think your saying
Swae:...Am I in trouble
Me:...Damn Skippy

I want to beat his ass right now but..Nahh..he ain't even worth it

Momma: You know what..give me her, you and Jimmi need to feel out this paper work

She took Carmella from me and handed me a portfolio full of papers

Jimmi: Damn all that
Me: shut up and. Start writing

While me and Jimmi was filling out the paperwork everybody else was holding Carmella ..But I can tell Swae looking at me and Jimmi...He must be feeling some type of way..and I know he in his feelings..wishing it was us filling out these papers.. but I wish it wasn't even Jimmi filling out these papers..

And I do remember before my water broke..what he was saying..about us getting back together. .. I've thought about it alot and I've came to the conclusion that we shouldn't.. Me and Swae had a long ass ride together..and it's been fun, Sad, Amazing,Depressing, Wonderful & Fucked up at the same damn time ..

I know who I am with swae and I know who I am without him...And I've adored both..but now that things have changed to the fucking Max..with me having a baby..I need to know who I am with her.. I need to Know who I am with a different place..and different circumstances...He can't blame me for feeling this way..

                The Next Morning

Daddy: Okay you got everything
Me: Yes daddy
Daddy: Okay, We gotta catch our flight but please be careful
Me: I know daddy
Daddy: Call if you need anything
Me: Okay Dad..

He be Ready to have these over long goodbyes and I be like..HURRY THE FUCK UP

Carmella: * Giggles*

Oh my god she is so cute..Daddy was holding her and he won't let her go

Me: okay dad..Momma is waiting
Daddy: Alright..Goodbye Granddaddy's Baby

He kisses her on her forehead and gives her to me

Daddy: Yeah she wants her mommy
Me: I Know
Daddy: Okay bye Babygirl

He kisses me on my cheek and then left..I closed the door and walked to the couch ...I sat down and started looking at Carmella...she was smiling at me..I am In love with this baby❤

Me: Hi Baby

I grabbed my phone out my bra and I took a pic of us for the gram

Captions Says: Meet Carmella Brown 💓😘👑❤✨

I kissed her on her forehead and she grabbed my index finger.. I feel so fucking happy right now

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