Chapter 28

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??: so you giving her all that money Nigga
Me: Yup
??: WTF bro
Me: Can you shut up damn Red..

Arguing with one of my new hoes..this morning..nothing new...This bitch name is works as escort..and she services me alot but I've been spending alot of time with her and getting to know her so we technically dating...but not really anyway she mad because I'm giving Nia her money today and she don't want me to..she thinks it's a waste.

Red: Like yo it's real dumb what you doing
Me: Thank you Red for your opinion that I didn't fucking ask for
Red: well ...but I still think that's too much money
Me: Too Much Money?? For me to take care of my daughter
Red: How you know it's yours..
Me: Cause I know..she look just like me
Red: And you kinda look just like swae
Me: go home red
Red:No I'm making breakfast.

I'm convinced she don't know what she doing .. she put better in the skillet and left it there...she burned she fucking kidding me

Me: Is that an onion
Red: Duh you ain't never seen no onion before

Red was about to cut up some onions for some reason

Me: wtf you cutting up an onion for
Red: for the bacon dumbass
Me:..You trying to put onions on bacon.
Red: it's onion flavored pork..I eat it all the time

Bing Bing

Red: whose that?

I picked up my phone from the counter..I got picture messages from Nia ... I opened the message and pictures of Carmella was there

She was smiling and wearing the new Jordan outfit I bought her

Red: Fuck you smiling hard as hell for
Me: can you like shut up..
Red: You acting all happy..who you texting
Me: None of yo business .. I got to get ready anyway
Red: What about breakfast
Me:...Um enjoy


??: Ooh she look so cute..and she smell so good
Me: creep
??: Shut up, yo I'm telling you when she turn 1 or 6 months you need to get her some dick
Me: Nigga * throws pillows at him*

Swae play too much. Swae wanted to come over and play with Carmella..but I told him to bring alot of boxes..but he don't know what they for..I haven't told him that I was moving yet because yesterday MiMi came over with the paperwork and she gave me the keys to my new place once we I'm packing up a few things now..I wanna move in before the end of next week

Swae: Where Susu at
Me: at her girlfriends house
Swae: damn..I can't believe she finally settled down and moved in with a Bitch
Me: take notes lil boy
Swae: Nahh I'm good

I think i should tell him now while he here and occupied with my sweet thang

Swae: you packing up the rest of her shit with those boxes
Me:....Umm not her shit
Swae:....whose shit

I swear to god he so dumb..I can't take it

Me: Mines...Duhh
Swae: ...You moving
Me:..Yeah..I figured its time ..I need to live on my own ...not In this big ass house..but a nice place for me and Mella
Swae:..So you selling the house and moving...where you moving
Me:..None of your business
Swae: You ain't gon tell me ..what type of bullshit is that Nia !!
Carmella: wouaaa wouaaa wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa 
Me: Yo give me her..stop yelling

I put down the box and I walked over to swae and grabbed my baby .. I started to rub her back and rock her til she stopped crying

Me: it's okay baby..
Swae:..You really ain't gon time me where you gon be living but I bet Jimmi know
Me:..I haven't spoken with Jimmi since this early morning ..and no he doesn't and he won't..he mostly gon find out when you do
Swae: from where
Me: The press gon find out before y'all do cause they follow me everywhere..and that's fucked up cause all I want is a little privacy is that too much to ask
Swae:...Wait you think Imma just pop up at yo crib all the time..
Me: Yes
Swae: We I wasn't fucking going to..I know that you have moved on from me..I've dogged you for years..and you dogged me by getting pregnant by my forgave me and I forgive you ..we was friends before we was a couple..and I think it's best that we go back to that cause we can't keep holding on to old shit..what's that saying?? Oh yea " you can't do forward looking backwards" ... I will always love you and you will always love me..I have to stop holding on this thought that me and you would get back together..we aren't a fucking shitty ass fairytale and as much as it kills me I gotta let you go..I have to stop being yo boyfriend but I will never stop being your friend..
Me:..Wow that's like the most smartest..meaningful and sensitive thing you ever said to me and years..and it made since
Swae: don't ruin the moment bro

He grew up all of a sudden y'all..I'm speechless..he finally got it but it hurts that I won't have my little puppy wrapped around my finger anymore but he right we gotta ain't healthy..but now we can go back to being friends...

Me: Yo give me a hug cause I'm gonna cry

Swae wrapped his hands on my back and I wrapped my free hand around his neck cause I'm still holding Mella ..we broke up y'all... I broke the hug and I smiled at him

Swae: Now let me help you pack bruh
Me: Okay let me put her in her carseat

The hardest thing about this is that we know we have to let go of each other..not because we want but because WE HAVE TO..I rather have him in my life as a friend than nothing at all

My Favorite Chapter So far...My Favorite Line "as much as it kills me I gotta let you go" 😭😭😞😔


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