Chapter 12

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Your parents kept your word on what they said, they moved you to another school. The drive was far, but they didn't care, as long as you were far away from Izuki, which broke your heart.

Only two of your so called friends from the Seirin team came to visit. Or, were allowed to visit. It was Hyuuga and Riko. Today, Hyuuga came to visit because you called him when needing help on an assignment you did not understand.

"You really have no smart people at your school?" he asked as he stepped inside your house you with one eyebrow raised as you shrugged.

"There is this one guy with odd green hair and glasses, but he's weird," you admitted as Hyuuga chuckled, laughing as if he knew who this was as you two sat on the couch as you took out your books from your school.

"Any word on Izuki?" you asked, whispering as Hyuuga sighed, shaking his head as he pushed up his glasses to the bridge of his nose, similar to the green guy you were talking about earlier. Midorima, was his surname.

"It's his birthday," Hyuuga said in a quiet tone as you felt a piece of your heart break when you heard that. "We celebrated today at practice, but he refuses any of our gifts," Hyuuga said as you frowned, staring at your blank notebook.

"Because he told us, that all he wants for his birthday is to see you," Hyuuga said in a hush tone as you bit your lip to prevent yourself from crying. That much time has passed. From the winter cup, to Izuki's birthday.

"I'm sorry," you said as you gave Hyuuga your textbook. "Number 5," you said as he looked through it, holding back a laugh.

"It's not your fault, but this is one of the easiest questions on here," he said as you whacked him in the arm.

"Shut up!" you exclaimed as tears suddenly came falling down your eyes as Hyuuga caught you, slapping the book shut with his attention turned to you.

"This isn't about Number 5, isn't it?" he asked as you clenched your fists and began to sob.

"Number 5...was his jersey number, it was a code," you said and covered your face with the tears coming out of our eyes like a storm. "And I need help... with number 5... and how to see him again," you said and let your sobs sink in quietly, since your parents were just in the other room.

"Seirin has a game on Saturday, against Shutaku. You can sneak out to see him, since it's going to be in your court," Hyuuga said in the quietest tone possible that you almost weren't able to hear him. Of course, if you were right next to him barely hearing, you're parents could not hear at all.

"Okay, thanks for your help on number 5," you said and sniffed as you reached into something in your backpack for it to be a book titled 100 Puns For All, knowing that Izuki would have liked it. You gave it to Hyuuga as he gave you a supportive smile.

"Just give it to him, please. It's his birthday I still want him to laugh," you said in the same quiet tone as Hyuuga nodded, packing his things and stood up before you shook you're head. "Hyuuga, you claimed to be my friend since childhood. Why is it, that I don't remember anything from my childhood?" you asked in curiosity as Hyuuga sat back down on the couch.

"Riko was a friend of yours, too. Not to mention the lucky number 5," he said in that same quiet tone as he held the book in his hands. "We were all childhood friends and you had a crush on him. He liked you and even gave you a plastic ring he got from a toy box," he said and chuckled. You're eyes were wide, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

The little flashbacks you have been having ever since you started dating Izuki, the night you saw the stars together, the moment you leaped out of your comfort zone, and especially, when he introduced himself to you for the first time, and when he saved you with a bad eagle pun.

It all became clear now...

And you needed to address Izuki no matter what.

You ripped out a small piece of paper from your notebook and wrote a note to Izuki saying, 'I'll see you on Saturday. -(Y/N)' as you put it in between one of the puns he has said before.

"I'll see you later, Hyuuga," you said as he stood up, holding the book you gave for him with the note to Izuki as he ran off with no hesitation.


"Agh for the last time, Hyuuga I don't want a gi-" I cut myself off when Hyuuga held the book in front of me as I just stared at the book for a while. "Is this, a pun book?" I asked as Hyuuga nodded.

"It's a special one," Hyuuga said as I mocked him by putting on funny glasses, pushing them up to the bridge of his nose as I snatched the book from my hands before opening the book with a piece of paper falling out.

I barely even paid attention to the pun as I picked up the piece of paper to drop it soon after reading it in shock.

"Y/'s really her..," I said in the shock as I closed the pun book to pick up the paper and held it close to my chest, inhaling deeply as I closed my eyes. "I haven't heard from her in ages, and I haven't forgotten her, either."

"We'll see her at the game. She goes to Shutaku," Hyuuga said as I opened my eyes, filled with excitement.

"I'll win for her. If she's going to be there, I'm not letting my guard down," I said in determination as Hyuuga nodded, walking away with his things.

Wow, this is the best birthday I've ever had...

And for me to see her again, a lot of things could happen...


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