Chapter 2

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You were so frightened that you could barely move, your heart thumped with fear and beads of sweat formed on your forehead. Never had you experienced this kind of situation. You wanted to scream as loud as you could, but someone was covering your mouth. You gave up as you eventually started to cry, when you just gave up, and this would be the end.

"Eagle...Pun! So why did the girl reject the guy? Because he had a big eagle! Get it? Ego? Haha!" You heard a familiar voice say as your eyes widened in shock. You closed your eyes, not wanting to witness anything.

"He was just a high schooler! And...these wee a bunch of thugs! Ugh...the odds of him winning are reduced to almost zero!" You exclaimed in your mind and saw that the man that was holding you had collapsed to the ground.

"Y/N are you okay?!" Izuki exclaimed as you dried your tears, still frozen in fear and shock as you trembled.

"H-How are you, here..?" I exclaimed as Izuki just chucked.

"Well, I mean, I live close by here. So...," Izuki said as you were still quivering in fear, barely able to stand up as the narrow-eyes eagle happened to catch you just when you almost fell down.

"A-Arigato..," you said and got up, fixing your hair a bit.

"No problem! Well, for you it was a problem but...I'll just walk you home," Izuki said as you nodded in agreement. There was no way you could say no after that incident.

On the way, Izuki told you puns to make you feel better. Honestly, it did work as you ended up laughing without difficulty. When you reached your house, and stood at the porch, Izuki just waved.

"I'll see you shun!" He exclaimed as you nodded and stepped inside.

For dinner, you just grabbed the small box of rainbow roll sushi and went to your room, not even touching the food you just brought upstairs. You wanted to look at the starry night, so you pushed away your window curtains only to find a shirtless pun-master in the other window, as your neighbor.

Once he saw you, his face turned as red as a tomato and you quickly closed your blinds. "Bad idea!" You exclaimed and got your sushi and your chopsticks as you put your hands together.

"Ittekimasu!" You said and opened the box of sushi. You were feeling much better as you started to eat your sushi, and listening to your favorite song, feeling much more happier. Food always seemed to make you feel better, and that fact that you did not at all go outdoors a lot.

After finishing about half of the amount of sushi you have, you got a text from Junpei on your phone.

Neji Hyūga: Eagle Ass wanted me to tell you to open your window or something.

You raised one eyebrow and put down your phone, pushing back your window curtains, seeing that Izuki was holding up written digits on his notebook. He had a grin on his face, and sure enough you realized that it was his number.

You laughed and took out your phone and dialed the number and called it. You saw as he took his phone. He laughed on his phone as you saw him smile through your window.

"This whole time I didn't know you were my neighbor, Y/N!" He exclaimed as you laughed.

"I didn't know either," you said, feeling a bit stupid that you didn't recognize him. "Baka."

"Wait, are you calling me a Baka?" He asked as you shook your head.

"Nope. What are you doing anyways?" You asked as Izuki shrugged.

"It was a bit embarrassing earlier. I just got changed and stuff. Besides, Hyūga told me that he wouldn't help me with homework since I tell too much puns," Izuki said and snickered.

"So...what?" I asked as Izuki laughed on the phone.

"Um, he recommended Yuu! Because he's a Hyūge buzzkill. So if it's not to shun, can you help me?" Izuki asked on the phone as you could not help but laugh.

"So, you like making food puns, cheesy puns in particular, eagle puns, and name puns?" You asked.

"Yep. Well, all puns in general. You might as well call me General Pun!" Izuki exclaimed as you laughed.

"I don't know if I can help you. I don't think you're in any of my classes. Well, I think you are in my English, according to Junpei," you said on the phone.

"Grate! That's what I need help on! Your pretty and pretty good on English! Considering the fact that Hyūga recommended you," Izuki said as you raised one eyebrow.

"Did you just say that to make it part of the pun?" You asked, confused.

"U-Uh, yeah! Haha...okay number 5 on page 15," Izuki said as you took out your English book from your backpack and had expression of confusion on your face.

"Are you looking at the right page? Because, that was all the way back from the first quarter," you said as Izuki laughed.

"Wh-What's the page for tonight's homework anyways?" Izuki stuttered as you couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you really need help on English? Because, normally people with puns are often good in English," you said as Izuki started to yell on the phone. Earlier, when the game started. You thought that the number 5 guy that always kept himself level headed and cool.

...Then Junpei introduced you to him...

"W-Well I'm not normal I'm Izuki the Pun Master!" Izuki exclaimed as you laughed.

"If you don't actually need help, I'll hang up now. It's almost time for me to sleep. I start forming eye bags if I don't sleep early," you said, kind of lying since you always ended up staying up late at night when you want to go to sleep and often seem drowsy at school. That or that fact that you just plain don't like school.

"Okay, I'll have puns ready by tomorrow. See ya!" Izuki exclaimed as you hung up the phone.

You went straight to the bathroom to wash your face, brush your teeth, all of that hygiene stuff. You laid awake in bed as you turned the light off from your lamp, your phone charging besides you as you listened to your music.

"Why is he so, weird?" You asked yourself and closed your eyes, counting sheep in your head, trying to fall asleep. After all that had happened today, you were sure to yourself to stay indoors a bit more often, to prevent such thing happening.

"And such awkward situations," you muttered and once you got to sheep 38, you fell asleep.

I Forgot The Pun (Shun Izuki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now