Introduction Pun

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You were sitting down in the bleachers, listening to some of your favorite music and doing your homework, waiting for the game to start. In all honesty, you did not even remember why you came.

Well, Junpei had told you since it was some sort of big event. Though you saw no fun in it in just sitting and watching. I mean, that is basically what you do when watching anime, but it is actually exciting.

"I guess it'll be like watching Shonen anime..," you thought as you finished your homework within and hour and put your earbuds and phone away, and stuffed your homework in your backpack.

Right next to you sat Riko and Momoi, who seemed to be bubbly about the game.

"I'm cheering for you Tetsu-Kun!" Momoi exclaimed, clearly holding feelings for the player. You knew who Momoi was since she was in your Japanese History class, though you
referred to her as Momoi-San since you did not know her well.

Riko just left her gym bag at where she was sitting and stepped onto the court to yell at most of the players. Again, you referred to her as Aida-San, not knowing her very well. In all honesty, you only called Junpei by his first name.

You kind of only knew her for the fact that she is the one thing that Junpei always mentioned and was always complimenting. Also, there was this one person Junpei always talked to you about.

He referred to him as a PUNctual PUNdiotic Pun Master.

You thought that this guy really ticked off Hyūga so you did not bother asking what his real name was, just referring him as the Triple P and M.

"Go Seirin..," you said flatly as you cheered without enthusiasm. Junpei spotted you, or, Riko who was sitting next to you, as a guy with narrow, sharp eyes with the number 5 on his jersey.

"Quit looking at me, baka! Focus on the game! If you loose I'll quadruple the training tomorrow!" Riko exclaimed as you were actually quite frightened from her. In all honestly, she was nice outside of basketball to you.

The players seemed to be scared, too. The game soon started. It was Seirin vs Tōō, as you saw, named the a Winter Cup. You didn't realize a single bit that Momoi was the coach of Tōō, as she stood up and continued to cheer..., for the other team...

Particularly a guy named Tetsuya Kuroko when really, he was on the other team that Momoi was coaching. A blue haired guy, with the last name of 'Aomine' on his jersey, seemed really annoyed with the fact.

Once the game has started, you boredly watched, since you were not into basketball, really.

*time skip*

Suddenly, you noticed that things had gotten intense close to the end. Soon enough, in the fourth quarter, Seirin won. By one point. 101-100. You seemed shocked at your change in behavior when watching this from the first to fourth quarter.

You saw as Riko was talking to the team, and you could not hear much since she was not at all yelling. Satsuki just walked out of the gym with the rest of the team in sadness. It was a close game, so they should actually have nothing to be ashamed of.

The score was by one point, in fact. Once Riko was done talking, you faced Junpei and waved, giving him a thumbs up.

"Good job," was all you managed to say as Junpei nodded. The same, narrow-eyed guy walked over to Hyūga as he had a face of annoyance written all over his face.

"Whoop! Whoop! Off goes the Seirin after our won-one point win! Oi, this whole time I thought you had a Hyūge crush on Riko! Haha, I guess I was wrong!" the guy exclaimed as you muffled a laugh. He seemed shocked at your reaction. " laughed at one of my puns!"

Hyūga sighed and pushed up his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "Y/N, this is Shun Izuki. Also known as the PUNctual PUNdiotic Pun Master," Junpei said as you nodded.

"It's nice to meet you, Izuki-San," you said politely and bowed. You caught a faint blush on his cheeks before he just laughed it off.

"Haha, you can call me Shun. Or is it too Shun? Haha!" Izuki, or Shun exclaimed as Junpei face palmed himself. You ended up laughing, which sort of made your day.

"Actually, I would prefer to call you Izuki," you said as Izuki shrugged, nodding.

"That is what everyone calls me," Izuki said.

"I need to talk to coach, real quick. Whether or not we will advance," Junpei said and walked away. Shun shrugged, taking his gym bag.

"U-Um...well...this is kinda awkward. What's your name?" Izuki asked.

"How silly of me. It's Y/N L/N," you said as Izuki's eyes widened and a blush crept onto his cheeks before he laughed it off again.

"Well, I's a beautiful name...but I don't think I can make a pun out of that..," Izuki said as you lightly giggled.

"Thank you, um, Izuki. Plus, I think you did well during the game," you said as Izuki awkwardly laughed a second time.

"Why, thank you, Miss Y/N! I appreciate the guy with the Hyūge ego not getting all of the credit!" Izuki exclaimed as you nodded in agreement.

"It was my first time seeing a Seirin game, since I'm not very interested in basketball," you admitted as Izuki frowned.

"Well, I would say to try it out, but if you don't like it I don't blame ya. Kurokodile wanted to quit basketball once and ran away several times," Izuki said.

"Oh," you said in the realization to see that Satsuki came back to hug the blue haired boy Kuroko.

Both of you had such an awkward silence and didn't at all know what to say. Izuki just kept laughing and you were the silent type, only having quite a few friends. Well, I guess you just made one.

"What's taking Hyūga so long, anyways?" You asked, confused as Izuki rolled his eyes.

"He's talking to coach, so it will take a while. It's really nacho problem. He's really fondue of her," Izuki said and snickered as you tried to hold back your laughter, and ended up laughing anyways.

"Well, you could say those puns are really cheesy," you said awkwardly as Izuki bursted out in laughter.

"You know, I like you Y/N!" Izuki exclaimed as your eyes widened quite a bit. Izuki shook his head and laughed. "N-No, not in that way! I mean, we just met. And if I did I would be jalapeño business."

The both of you laughed and realized that it was getting late when the sky got darker, as you saw out through the high window.

"Junpei probably already left," you said in the realization as Izuki took out a blue notepad and started to write.

"Hm...maybe he's trying to court Riko. Maybe even wants his balls in her hoop," Izuki snickered as you covered your mouth trying not to admit at the punny joke.

"I could walk you home, Y/N. I mean, I'm pretty sweaty and could collapse at any moment but it's the least I could do," Izuki said as you shrugged, a bit hesitant.

"Um, I could walk by myself," you eventually said as Izuki frowned.

"Okay, see you Shun!" Izuki exclaimed as you waved back, grabbing your things, placing your earbuds in your right ear and letting the left one hang on the left ear.

You put your hands in your pockets as you looked around at the dark sky, knowing that your house was not at all far from the gym, though you felt a bit frightened.

"Maybe I should have let Izuki walk me home.." You thought to yourself when all of a sudden, someone covered your mouth with a black glove and you were frozen in shock, unable to do anything.

I Forgot The Pun (Shun Izuki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now