Chapter 5: One of my Hobbies

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When I woke up there was no one in the house. Elena was with her friends and Damon… well, probably killing somebody. I mean, isn’t that what vampires do? Although it irked me that someone as innocent as Caroline would actually kill somebody. It surprised me how I no longer felt queasy, then I looked at the time: 3:23 PM. I’d been sleep for almost three hours. I took the opportunity of such a great mood to go outside for a run.  I grab my iPod and hit shuffle, then jogged away from the mansion, feeling better than ever.

After about fifteen minutes, I started to get tired and stopped in the middle of the street, almost getting hit by a car. There was a café up ahead, and right now, a good cup of coffee is exactly what I needed. Mystic Grill it said. Eh, I could use a good steak too. I entered and immediately felt underdressed. The sneakers I borrowed from Elena squeaked as they rubbed on the floor, but no one seemed to even do as much as glance at me. It was so crowded; I didn’t think there were so many people in such a small town.

I took a seat nearby a pool table, where a man in his mid-thirties was taking a shot. I watched him for a moment, then stood up just as a waiter approached me, causing him to stop abruptly.  ‘Mind if I join?’ I asked, grabbing a cue stick. The man only blinked, then gestured for me to go ahead. I bent over, my chin resting slightly over the table. I moved my arm smoothly back, then forward in a pendulum motion, shooting three cue balls into the same pocket. I straightened up, satisfied.

The man continued to stare at me, then introduced himself. ‘Alaric Saltzman.’ I shook his hand lightly.

‘Miracle Gilbert.’ I smiled. He seemed to perk up at the mention of my last name.

‘Gilbert? As in, Elena and Jeremy Gilbert?’ He questioned, although not in a creepy way. It was merely out of curiosity.

I nodded. ‘They’re my cousins. Um, how do you know them?’

He let out a nervous laugh. ‘I’m their history teacher.’ My eyebrows shot up. ‘I’m also their guardian.’ He quietly muttered as an afterthought. My face screamed three words: What the fuck?  My mouth moved automatically, asking Alaric exactly how he was their guardian.

He seemed to be very tense as he spoke. ‘Their Aunt Jenna died a couple of months ago.’ He didn’t say anymore but I could tell this was a sensitive subject for some reason, so I didn’t pursue it.

‘I assume you know Damon as well?’ I asked, trying to change the subject. He scowled at his mention. Something was up with those two. Then his phone beeped. He pulled it out, and I was close enough to see what was written:

                The murders have stopped. We’re afraid Klaus is going to target this town’s werewolves next. –Sheriff Forbes

Alaric shut the phone when he realized I could read what was written. He opened his mouth to speak but I beat him. ‘First vampires and now werewolves? What else is there in this pretty little town?’

He gritted his teeth. ‘What do you know?’ He was even more tense now. I shrugged.

‘Not much; just the rings that protect vampires from the sun. And my cousin’s murdering boyfriend. But that’s it.’ I grinned. Then my eyes flew to his hand, which indeed had a ring.

I could feel my heart skip a beat. Was he a vampire? As though he read my thoughts, he shook his head and lowered his voice. ‘I’m not a vampire!’ He said defensively. I believed him but still felt uneasy.

‘Igottago.’ The words tumbled out fast and I hurried outside, jogging back to the house, and almost getting hit by a car, again

The door was unlocked, much to my gladness. I turn around and furrow my brows. Elena was crying silently. Damon sat in front of her, apparently comforting her. Before I could speak a voice boomed throughout the house.

‘Well isn’t this cozy?’ My eyes snap to the person speaking.

‘What are you doing here, brother?’ Damon stood up, his tone dangerous.

The person walked closer then poured himself a drink. ‘Last time I checked, I live here.’ He took a sip. ‘Klaus is gone, he’s asked me to keep watch on you until he returns. From now on you’re under my protection.’ Another sip. ‘By all means, carry on.’ He gestured to Damon and Elena before walking away, not acknowledging my existence whatsoever.

My breath hitched. ‘Is that him?’ I managed to choke out. Damon started walking towards me. He took long strides before stopping directly in front of me. I swallowed as I stared into his eyes. It was like being under a spell. He spoke but I was barely listening to the words, only nodding vaguely.

‘Damon, stop!’ Elena’s shrill cry causes him to look away and I gasp for air. I look at her. ‘No compulsion. She needs to know.’


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Miracle (A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz