Forgotten Words

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Was there ever a time where you wished you could say something but no words came out? Instead they stayed within your heart never coming out; never to be spoken. And then the one those words were meant for go away. Never hearing those words you wanted to say that remain still in your heart to this very moment.

I know what it's like. So many times have I wanted to say something to a friend or relative, but the words wouldn't come out. No matter how hard I tried, my mouth would not utter those stupid words. And then the friend or relative went away and those words still remain. The ones I wanted to say, but no longer can because they are gone.

Even now, I have recently created words and thoughts for someone that I would like to say to them, however, I do not know if I will be able to speak them, for they could leave at any moment and once again those words would be left unused. My how such words trouble my heart. I feel like with the slightest touch it would shatter like glass.

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