Defending people comes first-16

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Bridget's POV
I stopped dead in my tracks. Through the clear screen door, I saw Justin motioning me to come out. I slightly shook my head, turned around to face Annabel and yelled,
"I SAID HOW PATHETIC. GOT A PROBLEM WITH IT?" Annabel yelled back. "I kind of do, you b**ch." I replied "You're talking about my friend. My friends come before anyone or anything- even relationships- and defending people comes first."
Annabel rolled eyes and I felt Justin come in behind me, along with Fynn, and Raylynn. They must have calmed her down. Justin and Fynn decided to join me in roasting Annabel. It's not that we enjoy the bullying, it's just that when it comes to my friends, I'm over protective and I stick up for them.
"You have NO GOD DAMN REASON to talk to her like that!" Justin yelled.
I looked back at Raylynn and she was smiling.
Raylynn's POV
I started smiling even though I was still sad. My friends were sticking up for me! This never happened. EVER!
Or when it did, I wasn't around. Finally, I found some of my true friends.
199 words

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