Jacob, Justin, & Jelousy-9

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Bridget's POV
When we got back to my home state, I screamed "Oh my gosh, THANK YOU JUSTIN!"
"Your welcome baby," he says. I kissed him on the lips. "Okay, what's your friends address?" He asked. "123 made up street, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania."
"Okay." He smiled. We drove there.
"Okay, are you coming in?" I ask him when we get there.
"Um does she know me?" he asked
"He. And not really." I say
"Oh."Justin said. He had a hint of jealousy in his green eyes.  "Okay, it's a he."
"Are you ok with that?" I asked him, concerned.
"Yeah. Of course. I wouldn't I be? You're just friends, right?" He asked. "Yes." I reassured him, smiling.
Then he kissed me.
"Okay, I'll come in Bridget." He says.
"Yay." I say, smiling.
I go up onto the porch and knock softly on the door. The door swings open almost immediately.
"Bridget!!" The boy at the door screams. "I didn't know you were coming to visit!"
"Yeah same. Justin brought me though."I say, looking at Justin and smiling. Justin walks up and shakes his hand.
"Justin Blake." Justin introduces.
"Jacob Miller," Jacob says
"Um Bridget is Justin a new friend you made in Minnesota?"
"Actually." I say "We're more then friends."
Justin kisses me and it looked like Jacob's face got red. And fast.
When Justin and I were done kissing which was like 5 seconds, Jacob pulled me into tight hug.
"I missed you so much Bridgy." He says
"Bridgy?"Justin asks.
"Yeah, dude it's her nickname."Jacob says "Whatever. "Justin says
"Jacob, I didn't want a hug." I say.
He rolls his eyes and ignores me.
"Let's go inside." Jacob says
We go into Jacobs kitchen.
"Who's hungry?"Jacob asks
"Me." Justin says. He was staring Jacob down. "Me." I say "and I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom."
"Okay." Justin says "Hurry." and he kisses me. "I will." I reply.
Jacob's POV
Bridget just went to the bathroom.
Now I'm going to confront this Justin guy on how Bridget is mine and will always be mine.
"Um Justin. Bridget and I were dating like 9 months ago and Um she's sorta already taken." I say "Ya by me" Justin laughs and tells me. "No by me" I say back.
"Ummmm last time I checked she just kissed me. On the lips. So...yeah." He came back. "Dude stop. I'm dating her. She hugged me." "You hugged her and she kissed me." Justin says
"Back off of Bridget." I yell.
Justin punches me and I yelp in pain.
"Now, was that necessary?" I ask
"Yes. Yes it was."He said
Please comment a ship name for Justin and Bridget and one for Jacob and Bridget. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
472 words

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