Chapter Six

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     You opened the bathroom door to see Papyrus standing in front of you again, that permanent scowl etched on his skull. "Y-yes?" you asked.  A sick feeling settled inside you, and even though ten seconds ago you said you were prepared to fight for your life, you were scared. 

     Papyrus glanced down at you with disdain, and it took all your might to keep eye contact with him. You figured that through these little actions- standing up for yourself, not cowering or lowering your head- you could prove you were stronger than anyone believed.

     "My nitwit brother may be right for once. We'll wait to send you to Alphys," he said in an uncaring and bitter tone. After hearing this, you couldn't help but grin. Papyrus noticed your expression and growled, "but the moment you're healed you're going straight to her lab!"

     "'Kay," you shrugged, that sick feeling inside you quickly dissipating. Relief washed over you with the realization that you had time. Time to regain your strength and plan. You couldn't help but glance back at Sans and watch him let out a small sigh of relief.

     When you turned back around, Papyrus had already stormed down the hallway, leaving the scene. "Huh, I thought I was going to Alphys' right away," you said, and glanced at Sans. He didn't say anything, but finished mending his skull and gave you a half-shrug.

     So, you had found an unexpected ally in the short skeleton. Not a typical ally, but perhaps someone who could help you in the future. Now all's you had to do was keep on his good side. You didn't think that would be particularly hard, but you knew it'd be a challenge. You didn't know everything about this guy, or Papyrus. They could have a million tricks up their sleeve, so you couldn't really trust anyone.

     Even though a small voice inside told you that Sans wasn't tricking you, you decided to be on your guard anyways.

     "Sans?" you asked, snapping yourself out of your thoughts. You noticed you were standing alone in the bathroom- Sans had left while you were thinking to yourself.

     "Oh," you whispered, and walked out into the hallway. You found your way back to the living room, and tried to lower yourself into a sitting position without re-ripping your stitches out.

     Now all you had to do was think of a plan. You actually liked this cruel place for some odd reason. It made you feel like you were at home. Yes, everyone here was a narcissist or a full blown pain, but you felt like you could change that.

  You found yourself chewing your fingernails as you thought- a habit you were never able to rid yourself of.

     Plan A was to get Papyrus to accept you. Plan B was to run... or fight.  But what if both of those failed? You knew you could exploit Sans' small care for you, but that'd be too cruel. You wouldn't bring yourself to hurt the monster who saved you... twice.

     You would just have to work three times as hard to make the first plan work. You factored out the fact that you could teleport from dimension to dimension; you didn't want Alphys figuring out anything more about that subject, or anything about you.

     How would you make Papyrus like you? Being a suck-up didn't work. Returning Papyrus' tough attitude back to him made it seem like you could be a threat... You knew that you could become as great as friends with Sans as you liked, but you had to get Papyrus in the friendship boat, too.

     Lasagna hadn't- much to your dismay- worked, either. This was like an unsolvable puzzle, honestly, or like a maze with all dead-ends. Which dead end would get you the farthest, then?

     Maybe you should stop planning!

    That soft voice inside you spoke again, and you froze in your spot. That wasn't your own little voice, it was a memory.

     "Tia!!!" you sighed exasperatedly, leaning over the hospital bed. Tia giggled, and you frowned at her. How could she be so happy after that happened?!

     After Tia had a heart attack, while the two of you had been watching clouds, she was rushed to the hospital and had finally moved to a regular hospital room. She had a few nurses who checked on her occasionally. They asked her questions, jotted down notes about her condition, and gave her food. Every time they saw you in the room with her though, they were silent.

     You had never been in a hospital room before. Watching your best... your only friend lie here helpless while her body tried to heal, made you panicked and edgy.

     "What are we supposed to do if this happens again, or..." you stopped when Tia placed her pale, frail hand on top of your clenched fist. The bedsheets crinkled as Tia tried to adjust her position under her bedcovers. She gave you he signature knowing smile, and weakly brushed  a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

     "Maybe, (y/n), you should stop planning," she whispered, her eyes shining. "You can't be ready for everything, can you?"

     Suddenly, the heart monitor behind you began displaying some irregular patterns. An instinct inside you screamed that something was wrong. When you glanced back at Tia, her eyes were closed, and she was more pale than ever. A sickly gray-white.

     "Help!" you screamed. In less than one of your own fast heartbeats, the nurse who normally took care of Tia sprinted in, a scared yet determined look on her face.

     "It's okay," she said before she shouted for someone else. You didn't hear anything else- all your focus was on your dying best friend. You soon felt yourself being moved out of the doctor's way, and the moment Tia's cold hand left yours the heart monitor stopped.

     When you finally snapped back into reality, you realized your trembling hands sitting in your lap. That day had been the worst day of your life. You could faintly remember your parents' deaths, because you had been so little. But watching Tia die was a constant vivid memory etched into your very soul. Nothing would ever be the same afterwards.

     All's you had ever thought about, was the fact that she was gone. Not her words, her grins and smiles, and her loving demeanor. Only a few pleasant memories stayed in the back of your mind, and most were blotted out with the dark ink of negativity that had found a home inside you.

     After her funeral, you continued to be a nervous wreck. You began time-jumping again, began searching for some memory of Tia, even though you had so many memories of her already. You didn't heed her advice... you turned out worse than when she first began talking to you.

     "Maybe, (y/n), you should stop planning," was all that echoed in your mind now. "You can't be ready for everything, can you?"

     Tia had been right all along. How many months had you spent ignoring the key that Tia had willingly and purposefully handed to you?

     You weren't going to plan anymore. You leaned back against the worn cushion of the couch, a surprising peace overwhelming you. You had your answers now, and a renewed memory of your best friend.

     That was all you needed to get through this.

Time Jump (Underfell Sans x Reader) *SLOW UPDATES*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt