Chapter One

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     "No, please no..." you murmur to yourself. This couldn't- this wasn't happening. You watched in horror as that familiar red color painted the floor, seeping into the blood-thirsty ground and staining the grass crimson. A vile feeling swept through you, and you felt your heart shatter into millions of pieces. The whole scene before you was a sickening sight. You just wanted to close your eyes and crawl somewhere where no one would ever try to find you. You just wanted to be rid of this memory- the memory of your family and friends being taken away from you.

      "Aaaah-!" you sat up in bed, gasping. You could hear your breath coming in and out wheezily. After having the same nightmare every night, you didn't really want to sleep, even though you needed it. If you were tired enough, you'd let yourself slip into the dark, dreamless sleep you longed for and wake up maybe a day or two later. But even that was a blessing you seldom received. Just trying not to sleep was how you lived your life, trying to erase horrible thoughts that plagued you and leave you bitter and friendless.

     The heavy curtains are drawn tight, blocking out any sunlight or moonlight, letting you sit quietly in the darkness. Today was another day. You didn't really have anything to do since you had dropped out of school a month or two ago. Your head hurt when you tried to comprehend all the stuff those teachers tried to cram inside your brain. You had too much in there already! They would tell you that you just "learned differently" and they'd give you all these pathetic quizzes to test your IQ or stuff like that, then be puzzled themselves with the results. Deciding you didn't have time for their adult nonsense, you ran away from it all and found yourself living in an abandoned motel. Nice... right?

     But turns out, this wasn't your first 'home' as you called it. When you were little, after watching the death of your best friend, you had... changed. You used to live in a big house, with your family. A sudden feeling of pain had come over you after that awful day, and you had flashed into the void, as you called it. A very interestingly dark place. The first time you travelled through there, you got chills up your spine every time you took a step. A place like that was not a good place, you had decided. As soon as you thought "I want to leave," you did leave, ending up here, in what seemed like a completely different world. Everyone's attitudes were different... everyone was so caring and compassionate. There were a lot of 'homes' like this, from you leaving and jumping around to new worlds, but you never fit in. Your anger made you stand out. You would lash out at innocent humans and monsters for no reason, and become an outcast.

      You had actually discovered that you could re-travel to different 'homes,' but only in certain cases. You had met a friend, Tia, who had convinced you all monsters and humans weren't evil, like the ones who killed everyone you had loved. Every time you would travel though the void, all's you had to do was focus on her, and you would go to that 'home.'

      The joy there soon died, however. Tia had died from an incurable sickness, and you found yourself unable to re-visit that realm, since the one you thought of there had ceased to exist.

      You didn't even have to think twice anymore. You just had to focus on that dark abyss, and you were now walking through the cold void.

      "I want to go somewhere I've never been," you muttered, and closed your eyes. Instead of teleporting to a new place, you stay in the void, alone.

      "What the...?" you muttered angrily, and then felt time shift before you. A delayed reaction had never happened before. A wrenching feeling went through your stomach, and you let out an annoyed and painful shriek. Without warning, you felt yourself lying face-first in frigid cold snow.

     "Huh, wow..." you felt a searing pain rip through you, and you managed to sit up to see the snow stained a dangerous red color.

      "Ohhh no..." you muttered, and felt queasy. Blood had that effect on you. It made you... scared and weak. Two things you never wanted to be again in life. You pressed your jacket against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

     Go to Base! You thought. You had actually made yourself a checkpoint, a home base, making yourself able to connect with a place rather a person. Yeah, it was stupid, but it was a back-up plan for something like this. There was an actual house you lived in, and you had a small life there- nothing extraordinarily big, but a life enough to support yourself for a while. So that was your fallback plan.

      Yet, you didn't teleport to the base. You felt yourself be slashed in the stomach, though no one was around. More blood poured out onto the snow, and you were beginning to feel queasy. This injury... was it stopping you from teleporting? Had bending through the void caused this?

      "Oh look, a little human..." a deep voice said. You see a smaller-sized figure leaning against a tree less than ten feet from you. "Perhaps I should put you out of your misery now," the calm and collected voice was filled with menace.

      You couldn't help but feel amused. You would probably have died by blood loss before they could end you. "I wouldn't try," you say cheerfully, sitting up straight in the snow. You head whirled, and you couldn't sit up for long, but leaned back into the snow.

      The stranger let out a low chuckle. "Seems you really have yourself in a bind," he teases, and steps from the shadows. A... skeleton? He was taller than you expected him to be, with red, glowing eyes and a sharp-fanged smile. A single gold tooth shimmered in the faint light of the forest that surrounded you.

      You immediately class this guy as an enemy. Something about the way he watches you, the way he sees your blood, without a single care for your safety, can only warn you that this guy is bad news.

     Back! Back back back back back!!! You think desperately, but your pounding headache wasn't helping you focus. The void! You felt yourself slowly begin to panic, though you remained emotionless on the inside. You never showed others your emotions. Therefore, you never had to risk losing those emotions to selfish people.

      "Kid, are you lost in your head or something?" the cold voice snapped, bringing you back to reality. "I said, stand up."

      You stood up. Regaining shreds of focus, you stood as tall as you could with the gash across your stomach, and the skeleton's eyes widened as he focuses on your wound.

     "W-who did that to you?!" he asked angrily, and you winced at his harsh tone. His boney hands form into little fists, and his eye glows dangerously.

     "No one," you say, and you feel yourself being lifted off the ground. The glowing red light you know to be the cultivation of your being, shines in front of you. It had the tiniest crack in it, the smallest deformity. You gag as the skeleton lifts you higher by just raising his hand.

      "It wasn't anyone else," you say truthfully. He growls something under his breath, and raises you higher. You almost reach the tops of the short fir trees, and see you are nearly surrounded by a small forest. A small path snakes through the woods, and leads to what looks like the outskirts of a small town.

      While floating in the air, you realized he was just torturing you, and he would probably let you fall any moment. You feel yourself being released. Closing your eyes for impact, you send a silent, remorseful thought to Tia, wherever she was. You thank her for the tiny segment of your life when you were happy.

     Then, you feel the coldness of white snow. You blink, and you notice the skeleton walk towards you. He had... spared you?

     "Tell me what happened, and I won't kill you just yet," he said, and you notice a black and gold collar around his neck. Huh, what an interesting fashion statement. Then his words sink in. A feeling of sudden relief washes over you, and before you can have a second thought, you feel everything go black...

     Okay, okay, I know. Very confusing introduction. So, you have an ability to travel among timelines, pretty much. You cannot rewind time, you can just travel through the timelines. Did that help anyone? But, besides that, what did you guys think??? Did you like it? Please, I want to be a better writer, so give me all the helpful feedback I can get! If you enjoyed it, please leave a vote! I promise, there is more to come soon!

     This entire story is dedicated to my followers, and all the supportive readers out there. Thanks for the inspiration, guys! Stay awesome!


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