Chapter Three

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You sat on the couch, unable to move from the pain of your injury. You silently wished that Sans would come back, even to tease you. It was better than being alone.

After what felt like an hour, you heard the front door creak nearby, then close with a soft 'thud.' A tall skeleton walked in, immediately sending off an intimidating vibe. He was easily twice the height of the other skeleton, with an interesting set of clothes, and a red scarf that caught your eye. He had sharp teeth (did everything have sharp teeth in this place...?) and what looked like a crack in his skull.

"H-hi!" you stammered, sitting up straight. You tried not to wince at the silencing glare he sent you. You couldn't help but look with awe at him. Sorry, but something about this skeleton intrigued you. He reminded you of someone, but you couldn't place a finger on their name.

He noticed your facial expression and a cocky smirk crossed his face. "I am the Great Papyrus!" he said proudly, his posture straightening. His black eyes studied you silently, and he muttered something to himself before taking a step towards you.

"Do you know why you're here, human...?" he asked, now looming over you. You tilted your head slightly, not sure if it was a rhetorical question or something, and you didn't want to make any more enemies. After all, you had to play this smart, and Papyrus looked like a very good ally to have.

"You're here because you were weak enough to be caught. You're lucky I wasn't there, or you wouldn't be alive," he said coldly. You froze. There goes that ally-ship you needed. Throwing 'Plan A' out the window, you just went to your own words and thoughts for 'Plan B.'

"Y-yeah..." you said, and scratched the back of your head, grinning. This seemed to catch Papyrus off guard, and it made him curious. "If there's any way I can pay you guys back..." you say, and cringe when you feel a pain in your stomach. "That'd be great," you finish.

The skeleton just scoffs, looking utterly confused and partially angry, and stalks out of the room. You chuckle to yourself and adjust your position on the couch.

"I like this place," you say aloud. No one gave you sympathy. "Everyone's pretty hard-core."

"You can say that again," that deep voice says from across the room. You sit up, and see the short skeleton leaning against the wall, his hands shoved inside his jacket pockets and his gold tooth gleaming dimly in the light. "So..." he says, walking over towards you. "How are you feeling?" he sits in a chair nearby.

"Better than before," you say, and he grins.

"Good, then you can start earning your keep soon," he said, obviously trying to be a brat towards you.

"Definitely," you say, and give him a smile. You... normally didn't act like this. It was so weird. You were so pessimistic... so negative... but when you were around people like this, you seemed so much happier.

He is caught off guard, just like Papyrus. He pauses, not really knowing what to say, until you ask the next question:

"So, I never really got your name," you say, and he gives you a mischievous grin.

"Sans," he replies carelessly, "And you, kid?"

"(y/n)," you reply, surprised he was polite enough to return the question. "Umm... how long did the doctor say I had to stay lying around...?" you ask.

"A few days," Sans replies. "Then he wants you to take it easy. No bending over, etc. It's gonna be a little hard for a while," he says without emotion.

"Oh okay," you say, slightly disappointed. You wished that you could heal faster, so you could earn your keep... wait, you could just leave once you were better, right? As you said that a wave of guilt washed over you, and you looked at your hands.

"You look like you did something wrong, kid," Sans chuckled, and you immediately brightened up.

"Oh, nah! Just thinking about everything, that's all," you say. Sans chuckles, and leans back in his chair. His face is half-way hidden by the floof on his jacket, but you can see that he's obviously thinking of something.

"Oh... I just realized..." you said, beginning to feel queasy.

"What?" Sans asked in his monotone voice, like he didn't care.

"How weird is it gonna feel when they pull the stitches out? I mean, will it hurt, or like, tickle? Or maybe give you that weird stomach-y feeling..." you say, and Sans snickers. "What?" you ask defensively.

"If I had known how many dumb statements you would say, I would've let you die in the snow," he said, and you chuckled back.

"Well, I'm awful glad I didn't talk much back there," you said. "The snow's freezing out there. It would have been so cold-hearted of you to leave me to die," you let the stupid pun slide from your mind, and Sans gives you an amused look.

"Snow kidding," he replies, and you giggle. He gives a small laugh as well, which was only replaced by a quick look of nervousness when Papyrus stormed into the room. You silently bet that he always seems mad like this, or at least distant from every other living thing. Had he ever connected with anyone before? You felt like Sans could connect to others, but this guy... he seemed like you before you had met Tia.

"Sans," he growls. "This human is useless, send her away," he said bluntly, and Sans shrugged.

"Pap, she'll be useful when she's healed," Sans says, and Papyrus gives you a suspicious look.

"She seems like a disappointment to me," Papyrus says, and you are suddenly filled with determination- to prove him wrong. You don't say a word, but Sans feels you change in mood. So much for gathering allies, huh? Papyrus walks away once again, and you feel disappointment in yourself as he disappears.

"Don't be sad about it, kid," Sans says, and you notice a sad look cross his face. "Papyrus isn't really one to accept others, y'know what I mean?"

You nod, and sigh. "Yeah... Can't wait to get off this couch, though."

"I'd enjoy it while it lasts, kid," Sans chuckled, but in his voice held a small warning. How bad would things get once you were healed...?

Two chapters in a day! Yaaaay~! I am in love with this story, guys. I know my stories are more long, drawn-out, but I guess that's just my style. So, how are you all enjoying it??? This specific chapter is dedicated to @Wolfie_Kat_Combo, as well as @Kat826! Thanks everyone for the reads and support!    

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