"Waddiwasi!" I spoke softly, careful of him not to hear me

I pointed my wand to the pebbles then to Oliver.

"Ten points to Slytherin!" 

My face was burning. I slapped both hands over my face and ran toward the entrance

Oh dear, this soo bad! Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad! 

I basically just declared a prank war on Oliver Wood and it wasn't even my fault!

He's going to try and ruin me, I just know it. Especially if he has the Weasley boys on his side. My brother told me loads about them.

We scurried back to the common room, they were all laughing and my face was still burning..

"Your turn!" Marcus choked out, clutching his sides. I snatched the bottle and spun it.


"Well, well, well. Truth or dare?" I grinned. I was going to get them back for what they just started.

He smirked a little and said, "Truth."

My eyebrows scrunched together. Pussy.

"Fine." I pouted. "Hmm.. if there was a new law, right, and it said that only men could have kids and not ladys, who's babies would you have?"

*clap clap clap clap clap*

I deserve a pat on the back just for the look of horror on his face!

"Well?" Miles placed his hands on his hips and began tapping the side of his foot to the ground expectantly. 

"Uh, famous or not famous?" Cassius questioned, 

"In this room." My grin was ear to ear. I was too proud of myself right now.

He glared in my direction and mumbled something under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I said sweetly, "What was that?"

"I said Graham!" he snapped, crossing his arms and stretching his legs out

Miles and I gasped at the same time, "WHAT?"

"Look at this face.." I squished Mi's cheeks together, "How could you deny him?"

Cassius flipped us off, and we burst into a fit of giggles, clinging onto one another for support

"My turn!" Cassius spun and it landed on Kara

After a few hours of purple hair, filling an unsuspecting 5th years bed with worms, giving Marcus a makeover, a nearly naked Kara, finding out Graham and Daphne like eachother and sending them into a broom closet, we were all getting tired. Well, mainly I was. I'm usually in bed before 10:30, people!

"Alright lad, truth or dare?" Marcus asked Miles

I rested my head on Cassius's shoulder, dozing off slightly

"Dare." He eagarly replied, smirking

"Kiss McGonagall." 

Each of our heads snapped up, waiting on Miles reaction.

"N-no way.." He stuttered, "I-I can't!"

We all smirked at one another, "Looks like you're running through the Great Hall in your knickers tomorrow night."

* * * * * * * * 

I stomped into the common room, throwing my Nimbus 2000 to the floor and paced infront of the fireplace.

Jessica sodding Cesari! The girl who avoided me like the plague, just gave me two black eyes!

"Wood," Her brother, Steve stood grasping my chin and looking at both of my eyes. "What happened to your face?"

Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fake Perfection ( Oliver Wood )Where stories live. Discover now