Spiral (ch.6)

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Months have gone by since Kagome had last seen Inuyasha and there were rumors all over the land that a demon in red robes has been slaughtering villagers and destroying villages. Kagome had been following Inuyasha's trail of destruction, everytime being one step behind him. After being gone for weeks at a time Kagome would return to the village. 

"Kagome" Sango looked up at her as she walked through the village entrance. "Are you okay?" Sango walked over to her and placed her hand on her shoulder "I can't stop him... so many villages.. gone" Kagome was in a state of despair. "Sango... what if i.. what if I have to kill Inuyasha" Sango frowned and looked at her "If it comes to that I'll be by your side but there may still be a way to fix him, don't give up hope."

Inuyasha was making his way to Kaede's village, his robes were caked in blood and dirt and his eyes glowed bright red as he ran through the night. He cackled to himself "I'm coming for you priestess" Inuyasha stalked the woods around the village until early morning. Slowly, he made his way through the village. "Come out Kagome" He snarled to himself. Kagome ran outside when she heard his voice, she readied her bow. "Inuyasha" she stared him down and pointed her bow towards him, "If you've come to hurt anyone Inuyasha i'll stop you" Inuyasha laughed and stepped towards her "The only one I'm here for is you." Kagome began to run, luring Inuyasha out of the village, he walked after her, teasing her, She knew he could catch up in a second. Kagome made her way to the sacred tree and that is when Inuyasha jumped in front of her. "Slow down Kagome, there is no rush, I just wanna sharpen my claws on your back" Inuyasha cackled and Kagome backed away. They were very close to the sacred tree, the first place they met. Inuyasha jumped at Kagome bearing his claws and Kagome, almost by instinct, fired her bow. The arrow drove into Inuyasha's chest and ran through his back and he was pinned against the sacred tree. "Just like me and Kikyo huh wench" Inuyasha laughed and went limb. He seems to have fallen into a deep sleep. Kagome began to cry soft and walked over to Inuyasha, placing her hand on his cheek "I'll fix this... I'll change you back Inuyasha.... I'm so sorry!"  

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