Saving Owen

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*Sorry! No update yet! I just edited something! Nothing major!*
A/N: The long wait is over. Thank you for being super patient. Enjoy! ;)

"Not seven minutes, no. I can double her time, at least, from the closed space inside the force field," said Nathan, while wrapping a weird-looking contraption around my wrist. "It's my watch. It's my alice. I can do whatever the hell I want with it," he grumbled, before fixing his eyes on mine. His pair of blues gleamed from the light behind me. I thought I saw the soft hues of his eyes turn a clear bright blue for a second, before he shifted his gaze to my right.

Suddenly, Kota was pulling Nathan by the shoulder, a look of worry painted all over his face. "But Nathan-"

"The candies will help. I've made up my mind, so we better get moving with this plan," Nathan said dismissively.

This is not good. I don't want them fighting each other. Should I not wear this watch? He did say it will help me... but what do I know?

A conversation had already started between the two boys, when Sean ushered me back towards my original group. They were all huddled up, probably discussing last minute preparation for what was needed to be done.

"Sean, wait. How about..." I wondered about what would happen to the two of them. Clearly, Kota had worries about all of this.

"They'll be fine. Besides, you do need the watch. Nathan's alice is embedded in it and will help you a lot when you get inside. Now, this ring-" he took a ring from his pinky finger and held it up for me to see. It looked like it was made from glass and had a few unidentifiable things trapped inside the band. Are those...vines? "Like Nathan, I also have a few magical accessories I can share with you. I wanted to be a bit of help to you as well, once you get inside. Not only can I channel my alice through this, it will also have a calming effect for your... let's just call it your first mission as an alice student. So, Sang, I know you just met me yesterday but, will you accept this ring?"

I think he just left me speechless. Well, what am I supposed to say to that?? I had to force my mouth to shut when I felt him give my hand a small squeeze. I hadn't even known he was already holding it. Geez. I need to get it together.

"Stop flirting and get your asses over here." We both turned our heads towards the small group. North looked extremely unhappy. His mentor looked amused. Her head tilted a little, telling us to come over. Mr. Duncan had a weird look on his face, weird for the situation we were in. He looked... at peace. Mr. Buble, however, looked tense. Maybe he needed the ring more than I did.

When we reached the small group, Sean cautiously slipped the ring onto the ring finger of my right hand. "Relax. It's for her safety. I'm just trying to make her calm. What with all the pressure we've placed upon her, she's gotten so tensed, but she's perfectly calm now. Right, Sang?"

Slowly, I found myself standing straighter, yet much calmer than a few seconds ago. My fuzzy mind had also started getting clearer. All the worry was being flushed slowly out of my system. "Oh... Ah, yes. Weirdly, I do. Thanks."

"Yes. Thank you for that, Sean. Okay. Let me just debrief everyone on the current situation. As you can see, Nathan has started buying us some time." Mr. Duncan waved his hand to the side. The force field was now demonstrating a rippling effect, like waves in slow motion under the rays of the sun. "With the time constraints, we apologize for not thinking this plan through. I was just thinking that we should at least try. And with Miss Sang having the Nullification Alice and her necklace as an alice suppressor, it's sort of a win-win situation for both parties, if we do this right. Miss Sang would revisit the ways of manipulating her alice and maybe remember a thing or two from her past, and Owen would be out of danger. I'd like to ask for the last time, Miss Sang. Will you do this with us?"

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