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Sora giggled sadistically as she faced us.
"Dark style: black hole" she said as she opened her hand. I grabbed hold of a pillar, as did Sasuke and Sakura. The others grabbed hold of anything attached to the earth as the hole pulled things in.

Asuma lost his cigarette, Ino her hair tie and Choji his bag of crisps. The pull lessened and stopped, letting us place our feet on the floor. Other fell to the ground, grunting in pain.

"Team 7/9/10 MANJI FORMATION" shouted our senseis, drawing Soras attention to us. She turned her head slowly, grinning madly at us.
As we got in formation she spoke again.
"Oh I'm not done with you yet. Dark style: shadow" she shouted and disappeared.

"Who should I dispose of first? Blondie? Cherry? Ass hat? Kaka-Baka? Shy girl? Dog breath? Bug man? Pineapple? Chubby?" She said menacingly from the shadows. I twisted my head to get a good look around the room, clenching my teeth in anger.

Our groups turned slowly, defensive stances set with kunai held in front of our faces.
"Oh getting ready to fight are we. Fine then. I'll put up a nice show" she said again.

The air in front of Kakashi swirled and materialised into the shape of Sora. Her leg swept up with tremendous force and sent sensei flying.

"YES SORA!" Screamed Drakon from behind, his face contorting in rage and happiness.
"More, more MORE" she screamed, letting her mark take over. Her skin turned blood red, wings sprouted from
her shoulder blades, her hair lengthened and turned white, her eyes, her eyes turned into yellow slits, much like Orochimarus.

She leapt on us, slashing and punching with such speed, only the Jonins could keep up. Laughing maliciously, she knocked every one down, until only Sasuke and I were left.

"Sora come back. Come back to us. Come back to the leaf" I shouted in an attempt to get through to her.
"And why should I huh? This vessel is desperate to come back to you but I need her" said Yuri through Sora.

She suddenly curved inwards, her wings growing bigger, her skin turning a deeper red. It seemed to set off Sasukes curse mark, as his mark spread and ate at his chakra. He advanced with speed and attacked Sora.

They clashed with each other until she kicked him in...
You get the picture. He fell to the floor and the design retreated.

I advanced again.
"Sora please come on fight her" I shouted to Sora, as I clashed my kunai  against her wing. She laughed and ignored me, tossing me backwards into the wall.


I watched, helpless as the demon hurt my friends. I shrieked and screamed to be let out but to no avail. The bars around me closed ever so slightly and I sat on the wet floor.

I sobbed. And cried. And screamed.
"LET ME OUT! NARUTO, SASUKE, SAKURA, PLEASE I WANT TO COME HOME" I shouted kicking the bars with each word.

Something cracked and I stopped. A fault, running along the third bar from the edge of the cage. I aimed my attacks there, repeating it over and over again.

It broke.


We watched as Sora curled into herself, screaming and shouting. She ended up on the floor writhing and screaming. Naruto stood near her, watching in horror at his friend.

She finally stopped. She stood, facing us as she did so. I gasped at the sight of her face. Half had the same features as Yuri; yellow eyes, red skin, white hair. But a fault line ran up the middle of her face, between her eyes.

The other half has Sora's pale skin, green eyes, black hair. She looked like a mad version of Cruella De Vil. She screamed, clutching her head, the power surging out and creating a crater on the group upon which she stood.

She thrusted her body up, in a motion that suggested she was expelling the monster. We heard a scream behind us and saw it was affecting Drakon. His skin disintegrating, coming off in flakes and fluttering to the floor.

With a final shout, and a final push, the monster disappeared. Sora fell to the floor, and Drakon died, leaving us with a shell.

Sasuke, Naruto and I ran forward and crouched beside Sora.
"Sora?" Whispered Naruto, turning her onto her back. She smiled.

"I'm ok. It's going to be alright. I'll become stronger. I promise, never to let that happen again. I will become a ninja to remember" she whispered and stretched her hand upwards, clenching it tightly in a fist .

Edited as of 21/1/2017

Hello!! Ok so, this is the halfway mark of the story and id just like to say thank you so much for all the support and reads I'm getting! I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the story! I will be editing more of it cause my writing is pretty bad.

Ja ne

Charlie chan.

A ninja to remember Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt