High School Love (1D Fan Fic)

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It was a late fall morning a Monday I went to high school, yes where all the drama happens.


My mom had called me from down stairs "BREAKFAST IS READY!!!"


I hate how she has to scream from down stairs just to get my attention?! So as I got up and brushed my teeth and changed. I was thinking of my parents had gotten a divorce 2years ago my mom doesn't like to bring it up though.

I finished my breakfast and went to school there were people kissing in the hallways and as I walked all alone I felt a little grossed out from all the kissing ' eww' I thought to myself. As I walked into my Least favorite class I saw people that I had not seen ever before in my life when I heard Mr.Brewer say "Please welcome our new students Harry,Niall,Zayn,Liam,Louis" "hi"everyone said as they walked into the classroom. I saw Harry look at me when our eyes locked with each others 45 min of class have passed so right about now the bell will ring


See always right.

Our eyes unlocked from each others. So I turned to the door and left for our break, before our next subject to start.


l didn't know why but their was something about that Harry kid that I liked? But I couldnt quite put my finger on it 'SNAP OUT IF IT!' I told myself. As I opened my locker I felt someone hold my waist I turned around and found Harry "CRAP!" I said to him. "You scared the hell out of me!" "sorry didn't think you would get scared?" "its ok, your new here." "Wait what your new here you touched my waist and I don't even know you that's weird?!"


The break bell was over "sorry Harry I have to go to math class see you later?" "Bye" he says to me. Math class was the same as the other classes boring sitting in the corner of the classroom looking at the board as Mr.Brewer was teaching I felt eyes on me thinking that is was Harry but not this time i could feel Zayn looking at me and saw there looking at me in the eyes not looking back to see him but could not refuse I looked to see him our eyes locked together I could not understand why they were looking at me first Harry then Zayn when will this end?! Class hyas ended and I left the room then felt footsteps following me but not one more like 5! Or ten because there are like 10 feet all together so 10 divided by 5 is 2...sooo well never mind.

As I went to my English class I heard pencil markings on paper so I knew someone was passing notes. I turned around and saw Niall passing the notes around the class to get to ...ME!

When the note gets to me I read it

"Hey, beautiful Me and my friends were wondering if you wanted to hang out at lunch to talk about things that happen around the school so... yeah. see you later?! Return a note in my locker number 146 bye:)" as I finished reading the note I made one myself

My English class had just ended an I tried finding locker 146 when I found it I put the note isn't his locker through the little hole I left it there and waited for a response.

I sat done outside for my lunch break on the bleachers reading my book by the soccer and baseball field.

Then as I turned around I saw the 5 cute boys coming my way, 'wait what am I saying!' I said to myself. "Hey cutie we got you're note.", I heard Liam say. I slightly blushed as he said that, "I got yours?" I noticed that there were 3 girls with them I had never seen them before Harry notices me looking a little curious about who the girls are "Oh! sorry I forgot to introduce you this is Perrie ,Zayns girlfriend, this is Brianna ,Niall's girlfriend and this is Eleanor,Louis's girlfriend! and Me and Liam are girlfriend less" he said I chuckled at his lack of words is girlfriend less even a word? I asked myself.


"Sorry" I said "I have to go to class now I'm going to be late see you later?" "Bye" they all said to me. I grabbed my book of the bleachers and put it in my backpack and left.

Hey guys thanks for reading my book hope you enjoyed I'm going to update every weekend, and Friday sorry if its to long to wait but I'm gonna make it good vote and comment bye LUV YA! :)

High School Love/adopted (1D Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now