Chapter 7- "Pips"

Start from the beginning

I squirm slightly in his tight grip, wriggling into a more comfortable position. He sighs softly and I barely smile, burrowing my face into his firm shoulder.

His large hand rubs warm circles into the small of my back. I feel like a child when I'm with Harry. He's so huge compared to me. My fingertips of one hand can barely touch the wrist of the other. I fold my hands over his back, keeping him in the hug. After a moment I can feel his chest rumble as he chuckles softly.

"Diana?" He murmurs, slowly the childishness slipping in his voice slipping away. I bite my lip and look up at him, my chin resting in the center of his bare chest. "Yes, Harry?" I whisper quietly. He pauses, seeming to ignore the closeness we'd shared just moments ago. He continues to wait, watching me.

"Can I go home now?" He asks finally.

Yet another silence stretches between us and I can't help but feel disappointed. "Oh." His eyebrow raises as I pull myself from the hug, looking down as I play with my hands in my lap.

His voice is curious, slightly amused. "Oh?" I sigh and shake my head, mumbling almost silently "Nothing.. It.. It's stupid.."

He frowns a little, lowering his head to meet my eyes. "What's stupid? Why did you say 'oh'?" I look up into his green eyes, shaking my head as I speak with emphasis "Nothing.. I said nothing, Harry."

His brows furrow even deeper, frustration in his voice "No, Diana. Tell me what's bothering you." I frown deeply, fighting to keep my voice patient. "I don't want to tell you anymore!"

He sits up straighter, voice raising to overtop mine "Well I want you to tell me!" My brows furrow and I immediately force my voice to be louder than his, as if it's a competition

"Harry! I said no! As in it is none of your business!" By now his voice is a shout "Well I want it to be my business! Stop being so stubborn and just. Tell. Me."

I grunt, throwing my hands in the air. "Nothing, Harry! Just that I thought I'd be able to spend a little more time with the side of you that wasn't cocky and obnoxious! Or I figured you'd be staying for more than just a hug and a kiss!"

He sits there silently as I look up at him. I sigh and look down, muttering in irritation "Never mind.. Just..just forget it.." I rub my face, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up. "Let's just get you home.." I whisper.

I can feel his eyes on me but I keep my back to him. I slowly glance over my shoulder at him to see him pulling his shirt on. I quickly look forward again, staring at the intricate moulding along the ceiling.

He stands up and I see out of the corner of my eye, Harry starts to loop an arm around my waist. I quickly step out of reach, pretending not to have noticed. I open the door, watching the ground. I hear him walk up to me, but he just stands next to me. I wait, awkwardly waving him through the door.

But he just continues to stand there.

"Harry.." I start tiredly "What are you-" He cuts me off, stating as if it's obvious "I'm not gonna let a girl open doors for me."

My brows furrow "What's that supposed to mean?! Just cuz I'm a girl I can't-"

He interrupts again in a softer voice "I mean.. It's a man's job to open doors for the women.." I look up to him in surprise.

He smiles slightly, a little crooked. "Ladies first.." I start to smile and immediately catch myself, wiping the smile away.

"No. Stop being gentlemanly. I'm mad at you!" I insist stubbornly, pushing on his back as I try to force him out the door. He laughs loudly, looking back at me.

"Woah there, pipsqueak. You almost made me start to lean. Let's chill here before things get even worse." The teasing sarcasm in his voice is practically tangible.

I let out a grunt of frustration, turning around and pressing my back against his, shoving with all my might. He continues to muse calmly.

"Pipsqueak suits you.. Kinda a mouthful though. How about pips?" He looks back at me with a crooked smile and I grunt again. He laughs, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly he steps to the side, causing me to stumble through the doorway. I look back to him, becoming more and more angry with the handsome boy in front of me. He smirks slightly, folding his arms.

"C'mon, pips. You walkin' me home or not?" He inquires, amused. I fold my arms firmly over my own chest, stating firmly "No. Walk yourself home."

He chuckles a little, murmuring in a baby voice "But then I'd be lonely.." I shrug, pursing my lips. "Sucks to suck." He pauses in thought, eyeing me. "Well lets go." He finally says. I'm about to question him when he steps forwards, bending down to wrap his arms around my legs. He hoists me over his shoulder and I let out a tiny shriek.

"Harry!" I whine, pounding on his back with my fists. He jogs down the stairs and I bounce on his shoulder, whimpering in protest. He stops by the entrance, looking over towards the dining room.

"Harry, turn around." I command, straining to see what he's staring at. "Nah, pips.." He mumbles distractedly. He raises his hand in a friendly wave.

"Hello." He calls cheerfully. I hear Laura chuckle "Hello, Harry.. I see you're feeling better." She calls back. "Laura!" I whine loudly.

Harry ignores me, turning towards the dining room. "Yes, ma'am. Thanks to Diana, I am. How are you? I'm Harry Styles." Harry says politely. I hear Laura's chair squeal as she stands up, walking over.

"Haaarryy!" I whine again breathlessly. He ignores me and I feel him shift my weight higher up on his shoulder and I manage to catch a glimpse as he shakes her hand. "Laura, make him put me down.." I whimper. She chuckles and asks Harry calmly, slight amusement in his voice "Harry, may I ask why you're shouldering my daughter?"

Harry chuckles slightly "She won't walk with me back to my place. And we wouldn't want me to be lonely." He shrugs a little and I groan. Laura laughs softly and murmurs back "No, we would not.."

"Laura!" I half shout.

She laughs again and Harry turns back to the door. I see Laura standing there with an amused smile.

"Oh, Harry. Small tip." Laura adds. Harry looks back at her. "Yes ma'am?" He asks softly. I can hear the smile in her voice, and I know it's directed towards both of us.

"At least just take her hand. Wouldn't want people to ask questions."

Harry laughs and murmurs back "No, we would not.."

Harry carries me out, and to my relief my feet come in contact with the ground. His hands lace into mine and I look up at him, sticking my tongue out at him. "I'm still mad at you." I insist. He rolls his eyes, pulling me along.

"Whatever makes you happy, pips.."

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