chapter 15

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It was weird being in the car with them... I dont normally talk to Robert that much and Alex has been giving me the cold shoulder lately. As we arivied at my house I was about to walk into the door when Alex called my name. (BTW she still has the kids with her)


"I wanted to say that im sorry... for everything."

"Forget it Alex."

"I cant Crystal! I hurst you so bad! Your my bestfriends baby mommy for crying out loud!!" I sighed

"Its ok Alex im fine, Austin hasent seen the kids in a while... I dont think he wants them anymore" Come on keep your cool, dont cry, dont cry.

"Thats not true, he just started hanging out with Jordon and I guess he... umm... forgot?"

"Alex he didnt just forget about the kids, he forgot about me to! Its been all over the twitter thats hes been hanging out with her!" He just stood there silent.

"Can we.. um, may be come in please, to visit the kids?" Robert says out of the blue I just nod and led them in side. The sat on the couch while I sat on the ground taking off the kids jackets, hats, etc. (Its winter sorry I for got to say that) Alex grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, as he was about to change the channel I picture popped up of me and Jordon...

"Wait leave it here" (This * is what the tv)

*Sorces say they say Crystal takeing a walk with her kids Dustin the oldest, Colten the second oldest, April the third oldest and summer the younget. her she is sitting with her babbies.*

A picture popped of me and the kids

*everything was looking like a normal day, but then this girl walks up, some fans say she might be the new girlfriend. Jordon and Crystal where seen yelling at each other! And suprisingly Jorden its Crystal. Now I dont know the hole story, but this person does, His voice is masked so you cant see him*

A picture comes up for Jordon slapping me and me punching her

*"I will admit before we start that I am a popperazzi. (sorry i cant spell today) I was takeing picture when this fight broke out Jorden said some mean things aboiut her children. I would not be happy either."* The males voice was really low!

*"So what happend sir?"* The reporter said

*"Crystal had punched Jordon in the jaw defending her kids, later one is what suprised me the most. Austin came up yelled at Crystal and demanded they go to court. I could not belelive my ears"*

"*Thank you for what you have said. Now ladies and gentens. Crystal and Austin have know each other for years they had kids... everything seemed fine. What now? I hate to say this, vut Austin has changed now that Jordons around. Will he still go to court? Or will he stay with Jordon? Should-"* With that I turned off the TV. This went public, and I cant do anything abou it! I just want to cry and cry and cry. After a few minutes of silence Robert spoke up

"Im really sorry Crystal"

"Theres nothing to BE sorry about, I dont think he ever wanted the kids like he said he did." I let a tear slip, and another and another.

"Y-y-you guys s-s-ould g-go." I hiccuped. As they were walking out the door Alex asked

"What will happen to the kids?" I shook my head and cried harder.

"I will defend them with my life." After that I shut the door and cried. After awhile I put the kids down to bed. I feel to shitty right now. I tried to hard to have my babbies to not be out there in the lime light, now look at me!! I am a terriable mother!! I dont deserve the kids, I dont deserve anyone. And with that thought I started dozing off, thinking that maybe just maybe... my kids would be better off with out me. 


A/N: Hey everyone! I hoped you like it!

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And if you could give Crystal some advice... what would it be? Comment below and tell me! love you!!

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