Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Razim stalks over to his little table over in the corner. The table with all his "Tools"on it.

My heart beats so fast I don't know how it's still in my chest, tiny whimpers escaping my mouth.

I bite down on my tongue, trying to stop them.

But it's impossible.

Razim picks up a long thick whip. Then slowly begins to walk back towards me, a sinister smile on his lips, eyes alight with madness.

I scrunch up, trying to make myself as small as possible while stuck standing. My muscles tensing to the point it's painful as they prepare for the pain that's soon to come.

Razim raises his arm up with the whip, preparing to strike me. Only it never comes.

           There's a loud explosion that rocks the whole room, dust falling from the ceiling, everyone falling to the floor as it shifts from beneath them.

Except me, cause I'm chained up obviously.

Razim is the first to get up.

"What the bloody hell was that!?" He shouts, completely enraged.

  Someone suddenly comes running in, their breathing heavy.

Julius Grief: my fake twin.

"Razim! It's MI6, we're being bombed." Julius shouts, Frantically looking over at Razim.


My heart stops at that one word. Something I'd given up on suddenly running through me at full speed.


Razim storms over, smacking Julius square in the face.

"Well then fix it!!" Razim yells in fury.

Julius holds a hand up to his red cheek, a surprised expression on his face. "I-I can't, this place isn't made for combat. We'll have to evacuate." He tells him, eyes wide.

For a couple long agonizing seconds, Razim stares at Julius with bloodshot eyes that can only belong to a madman.

Then he turns his hateful gaze on me.

I flinch.

He walks over, each step echoing throughout the room.

"Well Alex, it looks like our little fun together will have to be cut short." He stops directly in front of me.

            "Indefinitely." He smirks, leaning a bit closer to me.

"Goodbye, Alex." The smirk disappears, a strange look filling his eyes for a split second.

After The End: Alex Rider FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now