6 - Take me home

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*Won't you take me home?*

I remember all of the things I thought I wanted to be, so desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe but in a way I'm glad I didn't. Every story has its scars but to someone them scars mean strength, strength of pulling each other back together especially through thick and thin and supporting each other in times of need.
I have seen it way too many times, the looks of love turn to looks of hate because sometimes we just get so caught up in the world without actually understanding it that we end up loosing each other. In a way it's a blessing, it shows you that you need time or that you just don't work the way you used to. Sometimes it takes years to realise and sometimes it takes a split second. I'm lucky to say I went through the situation and ended up stronger and more in-love with Edward than I could ever imagine.

Today is another special day, we've been trying for a baby for months yet every time I take a pregnancy test it comes back negative. I have been so tired because I have to use my powers non stop to stay in human mode all day everyday.
Emilia is beautiful and funny but she just makes me want a baby like her too. To be honest I don't think it will come back positive and it hurts to see Edwards excitement get crushed when I come back with a negative pregnancy test. We even decided it would be a good time to have a baby now anyway because we have just graduated and we won't be moving for a couple of years at least.
So here I am for the sixth time in six months waiting for the timer to go off. I get lost in thought as I try to think of anything other than what lies in the fate of a stick, so when the timer goes off I almost jump out of my skin.
I stand with shaky hands and make my way towards the mirror where the pregnancy test lies. I take a sharp breath and close my eyes without looking down at it, then I hold it in front of my me and count in a whisper
[+] I scream really loud and soon enough Edward, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett, Jasper and Alice are stood outside the door knocking vigorously. I smile brightly knowing no-one knows because I blocked both Edwards thoughts and Alice's visions. I swing open the door and skip into my room, pregnancy test hidden in my hand and a giant smile on my face.
I sit on my bed as the six of them turn to face me with curious looks. So I immediately remove my grin and act like nothing happened until they all take a step closer to me like I'm some psychopath and I can't help the giggle that escapes my mouth.
"I have an announcement... when Carlisle gets home" I say and they all sigh.
I read everyone's minds to see if anyone has guessed and it comes out like this...
Alice: hmm.. I know, I've got this, no need to worry Eddykins Bella just is exited we're going shopping tomorrow!"
Edward: I don't get it Bella is acting so strange... I can't believe Alice, as if!"
I just stop there because I am only really bothered if either of them suspect anything because from this moment forth everyone's powers are getting blocked, apart from mine of course!

Eventually Carlisle gets home from his shift at the hospital and we all gather in the living room. I get quite nervous even though I know just how happy Edward is going to be. We talk about a few things until Emmett begs me to tell me my news. To be fair I would've thought that Emmett would've grown up a bit seeming as he has a daughter but he is still exactly the same bar a few cute moments with Emmy and Rose .
"Well..." I say seriously and watch as everyone gives me quite serious looks back,
"I'm pregnant!" I squeal and it takes a second for it to register but nobody makes a move like they want it to be Edward's moment but he seems in shock. A couple seconds later he snaps out of it and in a blink of an eye I'm in his arms a smile so wide across his face he looks like the joker. I give him a goofy smile back and he chuckles before announcing cutely to the rest of the clan
"I'm going to be a dad, a dad can you believe it?"
He puts me down and kisses my nonexistent baby bump.
"He's going to rule the roost" he smirks.
"Who said I was having a boy huh?"
When I get tackled into a hug by Alice, Edward lets out a small growl.
"No, mister that is not going to happen. You're protective enough as it is." I sass and he sighs and let's it go as I get pulled into Rosalie's arms.
"Bella, you are going to be an amazing mum. He or she will be lucky to have you and my brother as parents. I know how hard it's been on you seeing Emilia with me and Em but your baby just wanted to make the perfect arrival into your lives. Just be ready for the endless poo and wee that comes along with it." She chuckles and let's me go.
When we all have calmed down we go to our rooms with Carlisle promising he'll do an ultra sound tomorrow when he gets the equipment back from work.

I'm really worn out when we come back to our room, Edward carries me to the bed and I slowly close my eyes and start to drift off to the sound of his breathing.

"You're not in our lives yet but when you do you'll be my entire world and nothing you could ever do could make me turn my back on you. I want you to have your mothers rosy cheeks, chocolate eyes and mahogany hair. I want you to live a life so full of fun and laughter that you won't understand the meaning of pain, I'm going to protect you and love you till the last breath I take." He whispers into my belly before I really do fall into a comfortable abyss of dreams.
Sorry for the short update but this one was quite hard to write because I had two completely different ideas in my head 😂
I hope you liked it,
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