Eventually everyone else showed up. I knew it was time to start. I took my seat in the front row, right next to Chloe and awkwardly to my left, Donnie. Haynes was still at work. It was hard seeing everyone I know I'm one place with no smiles on their face. I just want everyone to be happy. The priest started his sermon and we waited and waited for him to finish. To me, it felt like a lifetime. Once he finish, one by one, everyone closest to my dad went up and said a few words. Some were crying and could barely get a word out, other's were just so depressing. This isn't how I wanted it to go. Then it was me, my family and friend's turns. They at least made the whole vibe a lot better.

Lewis started, "Richard treated me like a son, well, mostly a son-in-law. He always considered Chloe one of his own kids and I was the lovable boyfriend. Let me tell you, I was definitely a lot better than Eliza's choice in guys. But he has always been there for me. He understood my problems and cared. It's something I didn't get from my family and it was nice to know that someone cared. I know I would say this every single time I saw you, but thank you. Love you, man."

Next was Gracie, "He always liked me, no matter how rebellious or selfish I was being. He made me feel like I wasn't alone in the world, like I could actually do something with my life. And I took that for granted. I never listened to his advice or cared whenever he said something and I should've. Maybe I wouldn't be hanging on high school with just a thread. Maybe I wouldn't be doing half the stupid shit I've done. I wish I would've listened more and not have been so full of myself. I just hope wherever you are, you'll forgive me. I'm gonna try and do a lot better."

Now Chloe, "I love my dad, my blood related dad. But I loved Eliza's dad like ten times more. And yeah, I said Eliza's dad. For Pete sakes, I call him my dad. Calling him by his first name was always so awkward. It felt like I was calling my real dad by his first name and I actually did that. Calling him my dad meant something special. It meant I trusted him and how could I not? He's been in my life for so long. And he always made sure Eliza and I were going to be friends forever. He always told us that he was getting old and one day he wouldn't be with us and he wanted to make sure that Eliza and I had someone we could be as close to as we were with him. I'm happy to be by Eliza's side in this dark moment in life. I guess all that's left to say is, I love ya dad."

Then Donnie, "I never thought I would say that my boss is one of my best friends. I had so many shitty jobs before the studio and all my bosses were assholes. I would go out to drinks after work with him. We would close the studio the next day cause we're too hungover. I slept on his couch, he slept on mine. All my mistakes, no matter how bad, he would always forgive me. I was a brother to him and he's still a brother to me. I could talk to him about anything. I wish I wasn't up here, I wish I was in his apartment, talking to him about one of the biggest mistakes in my life. I don't really believe in heaven or hell, but I hope you're somewhere good. Rich, if you can hear me at all, please know I'm sorry, I never meant to do that. I really need your advice man. I love you."

Donnie was talking about the kiss, I know because he was staring at me the entire time. Next was suppose to be Sabrina, but she said that she couldn't say anything because she didn't know him well enough and it didn't feel right. So next is Sam.

"When I was first scheduled to Richard's studio, I was mostly confused. I was suppose to go to a different one, but my manager got mixed up and thank god he did. His studio is like a second home to me. Every single time I'm in LA, I have to at least visit. If he wasn't there, I would call him up and no matter how busy he was he would make room for me. That's the kind of guy he is. Put everyone before himself. I've never met someone in this business to put themselves last. He's awesome no matter what. Thanks for everything and I know Eliza is going to be great at owning the studio. You left it in good hands. Love you, Rich."

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