She looks disgusted.

She slowly walks up to the coffee table, staring at it.

She carefully picks up a plate.

There's a bowl beneath the plate, and it's fully of goo.

"Is that..." she looks like she's going to throw up. "Is that milk? What the fuck."

The kids look overjoyed.

"Oh my god, I'm going to throw up."

She walks out of the room, into the kitchen.

She looks on the back patio.

There's a few bowls out there. There's snow all over the place, and still, a couple bowls managed to make their way outside.

She looks around again, almost like she doesn't know where to start.

"This is..." she shakes her head. "I can't-" she cuts off. "Do you clean anything?" she looks at me. "What the fuck, Noah?"

"I was getting to it."

"You were also getting to the field trip money that I missed." Rowan says.

"I've been asking you to take me to get a binder for class for three weeks." Ruby adds.


I'm disgusted.

What kind of house is this?

It smells terrible.

"I was just coming here to see if I left my favorite pair of boots, but honestly..." I trail off, shaking my head. "I think you guys are going to die from...some disease."

"So you're staying?" Rose asks.

"I don't...think I have a choice. I need a fucking hazmat suit. Literally Noah..." I trail off. "I'm going to the fucking store."

I go get gloves and black garbage bags and everything else I could possibly need, and I go home.

"What are you doing?" Noah asks.

I start throwing all the bowls, everything into the trash.

"I'm not cleaning this." I say. "And clearly, none of you are either."

I tie the bag shut, and start another one, picking up all the bowls, and simply tossing them in the trash.

I open the fridge, dumping everything in the bags.

I goes around the entire house then with a laundry basket, picking everything up.

I put on the laundry, and then go to the living room.

"Somebody take those to the street." I point to the garabge bags.

They all grab one.

I get the bleach and more gloves.

I start cleaning everything.

The coffee table is spotless, and the counters, and the marks on the wall, and the spaghetti sauce on the stove.

I even clean the bedrooms, and then strip the beds.

I put the laundry on after changing over the other load, and I go out to the car.

I come back with boxes, and start unloading kitchen sets, refilling the cabinets with new dishes and forks and everything.

I throw the boxes out, and then walk out with febreeze, and starts spraying everything. I open all the windows, and then get the wet dry vac, and use it on everything, including the couches.

I go upstairs and do the carpet up there.

I vacuum the wood and tile.

When I walk in this time, the house smells clean.

I get the laundry, and fold all of them, handing the piles to everyone they belong to.

They go upstairs, putting their clothes away, and she come back with bedsheets and go upstairs.

An hour or so later, I go back downstairs, checking corners to make sure everything is put away.

"Alright." I sigh. "I'm satisfied."

"Mom, I need a binder." Rowan says.

"I need tampons. I've been having to borrow from friends. My friends Mom bought me a freaking box." Rose says.

"My winter jacket zipper broke." Caden adds.

"I need my Mom back." Brooke says.

"Yeah, seriously." Ruby says.

"Alright, we'll go to Walmart. Caden, I can't take you to a nice store for a jacket. It's already nine. Just take one of your fathers and we'll go shopping for your jacket tomorrow."

"So you're going to be here tomorrow?" he asks.

"Yes." I say. "Go get dres-" the doorbell rings. "I'll get it."

They follow me anyways, because the door is by the stairs. Noah follows too.

I open the door.

There's a woman and a man in a suit.

"Hi?" I say.

"I'm Rebecca Reid, and this is Kyle Turner." She shows me their badges. "We're from social services. We're here to search the house, check out how your kids are doing."

Oh my god.

"Um, okay." I say.

I step aside.

"I don't know what you think you're going to find." I fold my arms across my chest.

They go check everything though, and then they come back after talking to the kids.

"Alright, I'm sorry for the disturbance."

They leave.

The door shuts. I sigh, looking at Noah.

"We almost lost our children."

He cringes.

"You're a fast cleaner." He says.

I look at the kids. They're all ready to go.

"Alright." I say. "Let's go."

We take the Dodge.

We're in the car, driving.

"So, Rowan," I begin. "You got suspended."

"Yes." She says.

"And Ruby, I told you to stop letting them pick on you, sweetheart."

"I know." She mumbles.

"Rowan, you're grounded." I say.

"I'm already grounded." She says. "And I did the right thing."

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I put the girls that were bullying Ruby into lockers." She says.

I hesitate.

"You did?" I ask.

"Yes." She says.

I don't say anything for a long time as I drive.

"I'm proud of you, Rowan." I say quietly.

She hesitates.

"I'm sorry." Rose blurts. "For everything I said to you! I'm horrible. I never wanted you to leave. I was mad about my punishment. I'm so sorry, Mom."

"Me too. I feel terrible. I love you, Mom." Caden says.

They all mutter apologies.

"You guys realize I found a boarding school, right?" I ask. "If you guys act up one more time, I'll have your ass on a bus. You know I'm not bluffing. I accept your apology, but the next time you act out, I'll have you in boarding school before you can even blink."

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