Chapter 3: A future in royalty

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King Odin joined his wife and sons who were in Brandr's room. He kept looking at his beautiful daughter and saw her body lying lifeless on her bed with his wife sitting next to the corpse. Her once bright radiant light was dulled. His wife was holding his tiny granddaughter. He put a hand on the small child's cheek, swiping it for the comfort of the baby.

She looked up at him and she stopped crying. The little girl's skin had the same color as her now-dead mother's. A purple glow moved throughout her veins and eyes. Odin was concerned that something had happened to the babe and she shouldn't leave, but the choice Brandr made was final.

He realized that Avalon absorbed power from the stone. The prophecy becoming true. It's power becoming her own. This simple thing would lead to her future. A domino effect of all the events that would take place in her life. Avalon was an innocent child brought into a world where her fate and destiny were written out for her to follow.

He ordered his men to take his daughter's body away. Thor followed behind them to make sure that his little sister's corpse was safe. Odin wanted them to take Brandr's body under the castle and bury her with fallen warriors of the past. Thor wasn't told the plans, but he did follow his father's orders to keep Brandr's body safe. She would be safe down there. An unusual burial, but something meant for her.

Sadness. That's what filled the room. Loki was often looking over at his mother to see her rocking the now-sleeping baby. He lifted his hand to touch the small sleeping baby's hand. He suddenly felt the power that was running through his niece's veins. The slight touch felt like a burn. She looked up at him with violet-glowing eyes. He held back a smirk. The amount of untouched power moving throughout her tiny body was impeccable. Power of an infinity stone.

Thor joined them again, "What shall we name her?"

"It's a pity that Brandr didn't get to name her own first and only child." Loki spits with anger, pacing. "She didn't have a single moment with her babe."

"Avalon," Odin spoke, "it was Brandr's destiny for her to die and Avalon to be born."

"Brandr did speak of the name before." Frigga smiled while rocking the baby who was looking up at her.

Odin looked at the newborn child. "Avalon is destined for greatness."

"We must follow Brandr's wishes. Send little Avalon to Midgard so she shall be with her father. Hopefully, we will be reunited soon." Frigga told her children.

Lady Sif joined the family and asked if she could take Avalon to Midgard. Of course, her being trustworthy, King Odin allowed her to do so. The mighty brunette had taken the child into her arms and had made her way toward the Bifrost. The newborn looked up at the warrior and was reaching out toward her. Sif was never fond of children, but the small baby was making her smile. Which didn't happen often. Sif was slightly worried when she heard footsteps coming from behind which were swift. She turned around quickly to see Loki behind her.

"Loki," Sif looked at him up and down, holding Avalon close. "Why are you following me?"

Loki had looked at the baby in Sif's arms, "I did not give a proper goodbye to the babe."

"You had your chance, but I'm afraid I must finish my quest for Avalon's safety." She said, turning her body so Loki couldn't see the baby.

"Please." Loki had given her a smile.

"Fine, but you must make it quick." Sif agreed, carefully handing Avalon to Loki.

"Small child, you will bring chaos and rise to power. When you do, I will help lead you and guide you. We will meet again, Avalon." He said in a whisper.

The infant opened her eyes. Her brown eyes turned into a purple hue as they had done before. The purple moved around like energy inside them. A smile grew on Loki's face knowing that she was listening, so he kissed Avalon's head and gave her back to Lady Sif. She never trusted Loki, so she felt something was off, but she would never know what the conversation was.

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