Caleb and I both shifted into our wolves and readied ourselves, taking a stance on opposite sides on the field. "Winter?" I called out. "Yeah, Evangeline?" she replied. "Let's win this." We lifted off the ground and landed in front of Caleb, claws sharp and ready to pin him down but he dodged just in time to avoid our attack. We snarled and attempted another attack soon after. He was too fast again and dodged. Our breath was starting to become labored with efforts while they still seemed composed and unbothered. It was almost a game for them, us being the only ones striking whilst they simply dodged."Winter, since we are on the attack right and they are on the offense, let's focus and apply the last technique that Will and Ryder taught us," I suggested. "That's a great idea, Evangeline, It should be very effective and could potentially let us win and finally finish this fight,"  she answered back. Caleb, seeing the sudden look of determination lit up in our eyes, took a defensive stance as he cautiously waited for us to attack again. We mimicked his actions and let out a low growl as we waited for the perfect moment to put our plan into action.

"Now!" exclaimed Winter. We jumped in the air and instead of landing in front of Caleb like last time, we landed behind him. We quickly pinned him down from behind before he could react and bit down on the side of his neck. Caleb let out a whine as he felt our teeth sink down and we immediately let go, not wanting to seriously hurt him to the point where he won't heal instantly. We stepped back, standing proud and tall, adorning a wolfish grin. 

Our ears twitched back to the sound of clapping behind us. "Good job Evangeline and Winter! That was very impressive for a beginner." called out Blake from across the training ground. I did not know that he would be watching our fight. We gave him a wolfish grin and a happy bark, beaming at the fact that Blake saw what we were capable of. A whine sounded from behind us. We turned back to help Caleb up, nudging his snout with our own, and letting out a whine of our own, urging him to get up. We watched as his injury slowly close then heal, and soon no trace of it was left. He let out a huff before getting up slowly, shaking off the dirt on his coat when he was on all fours.

We went our separate ways, walking behind trees to shift back in privacy. We both slipped on the clothes that we left behind when we shifted. Once I was dressed again, I walked out and met up with Caleb, "That was amazing Evangeline! You applied everything you have learned today in that fight! I am really impressed!" He exclaimed as he stared in awe at me. I giggled, "Thank you, Caleb." Ryder came up to me and gave me a friendly pat on the back, "Nice job out there kid, you did exceptionally well." I blushed at the praise and thanked him too. 

Once everyone was done fighting and had shifted back to their human sides, Ryder and Will called us all to gather up once again. "Will and I observed you fight diligently so we now know your level and capacities. Some of you do not belong in this group another but some of you will stay behind. Do not let that discourage you though, with hard work and dedication, you will eventually move up groups too. Now, we have separated you all into different groups: beginners, intermediate, and advanced so listen carefully for your name. When we read out your name, please step into your designated group." Will announced. Each name was called one by one until finally, "Evangeline, advanced group." My eyes grew wide as I stared at them in disbelief, I was the only one who made it into the advanced group. "What? Are you guys sure?" Ryder smiled, "Of course we are sure Evangeline. You have displayed great skills today and have proved that you are to quickly learn techniques and apply them in a fight. The advanced group is best for you to devel;p your full potential in werewolf fighting. You will be training with Alpha Blake and the rest of the advance team from now on. I have no doubts that you are going to thrive in that group." I grinned, pride-filled my whole entire being, and thanked him.

Once everyone was in their designated groups, we were dismissed for the day. As I was walking back to the packhouse for lunch, I let down my hair, my long chestnut brown hair cascading down my back as I shook it out. My body and muscles felt sore from the efforts but I could care less as I was glowing with happiness and pride. On the way, Blake caught up with me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Evangeline! You seriously have got some skills little one, beating your opponent with just one move and that swiftly. You are going to be a fine warrior one-day little one!" I blushed at the compliment and looked down at my shoes, "Thank you, Blake, it means a lot coming from you." Blake grinned and patted my head affectionately before he took off in a sprint. "Hey! the last one at the packhouse is a rotten werewolf!" He called back. I giggled at his childish side and yelled out, "Hey! That's not fair, you got a head start!" before sprinting right after him. Of course, Blake won since that little cheater had a massive head start but, I did not mind at all, I will carry that "rotten werewolf" label with pride today.

While everyone that lived in the packhouse was out training, Charlotte and Jamie made homemade pizza, freshly squeezed lemonade, and chocolate mousse for lunch. To say the least, it was hands down one of the best meals I have ever had. I will have to ask them to teach me how to make these dished later, I especially wanted the recipe for that chocolate mousse. The conversation was lively and light as we ate, everyone all having something interesting or a funny story to tell. "Guys, did you know that little miss Evangeline over here was able to beat Caleb using only one move? You should have seen the speed at which she pinned him down, he did not even have time to fight back. It is her first day of werewolf training too so everyone was thoroughly impressed." Blake suddenly declared proudly. "Is that true Evangeline? Wow chica remind me never to mess with you," exclaimed Charlotte. I blushed and looked down at my lap, not knowing how to react at all of the attention on me, "" Sydney put a comforting hand on my back, "Girly, no need to get all shy! You should be so proud of yourself! For someone who never fought before, you have got mad skills!" Blake nodded his head, "I agree, I can not wait to see you develop those skills in the advanced group." 

After lunch, everyone agreed to play a game of truth or dare, so we all sat down forming a circle in the spacious living room floor.  The order was me, Blake, Jake, Maxwell, Tae, Jamie, Charlotte, and finally Sydney. It was my turn first so I turned to Charlotte and asked, "Truth or dare?" Charlotte grinned and replied, "Dare." I smiled mischievously, "Act like you are going giving birth in front of Maxwell for a whole minute." Charlotte gave me a disbelieving look, her mouth dropping open like a gasping fish, "Are you serious? No way girl, nuh-uh! How the heck did you even come up with that dare." Everyone laughed at the flabbergasted look on Charlotte's face. "Come on Charlotte, it is a dare! You can't back out." Jamie pointed out. Everyone else nodded in agreement and continued to urge her to complete the dare. Charlotte sighed and made her way over to Maxwell. "I am so sorry babe" she whispered, giving him an apologetic look before positioning herself right in front of him. She spread her legs out just like a woman giving birth would, thank goodness she was wearing loose sweatpants. Charlotte started letting out labored breaths, pretending to feel contractions. We all burst out laughing when she hit the climax point of her acting and started screaming like a banshee and panting, all while yelling profanities and things like, "Get out of me!", "You did this to me, Maxwell!", "I am going to end you!" After a minute, Charlotte dropped her act, blushing bright red from embarrassment, she buried her face into her mate's chest. Maxwell's was blushing as well, looking scared and embarrassed but also looked like a lost puppy, unsure of what just happened exactly. He cautiously wrapped his arm around his mate and tried his best to comfort her all while still fearing for his life. Everyone else sported bright crimson faces, not from embarrassment but from laughing too hard.

Once everyone finally calmed down, it was Sydney's turn to go. She turned to me and asked, "Truth or dare?" I choose truth because I absolutely did not want to do anything remotely as embarrassing as what Charlotte had to do. "Mmm, truth... alright! This is the perfect chance to get to know you better Evangeline. Tell us more about yourself! Like about your family! What are they like?" said Sydney. My heart stopped beating and my whole world froze. I had forgotten that they knew almost nothing about me and what happened to me in the past. They do not know why or how I ended becoming a part of their pack. " I...I..." I tried to form words but was unable to in the end. None of them knew my story and I was not ready to tell any of them what happened to my family, the tragic part of my life. It was a story that I have never talked about with anyone before. I was not ready to tell them about the day where everything had forever changed for me so, I did what I have always done, the one thing that I knew perfectly how to do. 

I ran.

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