Chapter 3

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Elena’s P.O.V.

I didn’t like this girl or trust her. What am I saying? I haven’t even met her yet. Abigail was starting her ‘story’ and I could see she was nervous. So I stopped my inner voice and listened.

“When I was 11 my parents died. They were really close to your father.” She said pointing to Damon and Stefan, who were separated as far as they could. She continued. “I was young then and used to listen to your fathers conversation. One day I heard about their plan on killing vampires, so I told Anna and her mom. Anna’s mother  who I was also very close to, sent me away. I lived with this old Anna’s grandfather. He died when I was 14 so I lived on my own. He had given me his will. I had a lot of money. I went to school. When I was 15 I met this guy named Jake Crest. We dated for two years, one day he told me he loved me……”

She stopped; I could see her eyes starting to water.

“And we did it, and then I was pregnant. The baby was born but the next day it died. The doctors said that it died because I had cancer. They said I had a week to live. Jake wasn’t there when I had the baby died because it was three weeks earlier and he was gone, he tried to come as soon as possible but it was too late. One day a British guy, Klaus came up to me and asked if I wanted to live, obviously I said yes. Before I even blinked I woke up to be a vampire. Klaus became like a brother to me. When I met Katherine she hated me because I was close to Klaus so she tried to kill me not by using a stake but by putting something in my wine. It was something new that some witch made. It obviously didn’t work because the next day I woke up. Nothing hurt which was odd, I was hungry so I when I started drinking the blood from the bag, I puked.”

Abigail’s P.O.V.

“You puke by tasting blood? That’s weird!” Damon said to me.

“SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!! Anyways… I get my strength from eating human food, I have no off switch and I’m so strong I can kill an original and nothing can kill me…. It just hurts like shit though!” I said. I may be weird but I can joke at the most randomness times… for example if I was about to be murdered.

“So you’re a half vampire half human?” Stefan asked.

“Hell. I still don’t know.”

“Interesting...” Damon said with a smirk on his face that made me want to punch him right then and there.

“What?” Oh no, I’ve seen that look many times, never good, “Whatever you want I’m not doing it, nuh-uh!”

“Well you see I stole Klaus’s coffins that have his family inside and…” Stefan started but I almost choked on my saliva… gross, I know!

“YOU WHAT????”

**IMPORTANT A/N**:Sorry this is so short! BTW: This story doesn’t go with the book obviously and sort of goes with the series. For those of you who are updated on the series, in this story, Stefan doesn’t threaten to kill Elena off Wickery  Bridge, so they’re on good terms nothing has happened between Elena and Damon (sorry Delena fans L). Stelena are still in a fight not a big one though… and yeah. After this I’m not going with the series anymore completely different…. I hope!  Plz fan, comment, vote, and watevr ur supposed to. I’ll fan and vote back too! :D

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