Chapter 7

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I went outside and waited by the side of the school for Damon. As soon as I saw his car I went running up to it and jumped in.

“Excited much?” Damon said with a know-it-all smirk he always has on his face.

“Hell yeah! As long as we’re not in math!”

“So the mall it is then?” I did wanna go to the mall but now I didn’t really feel like it.

“Nah I changed my mind. Let’s go to a……. club!” Yeah, a club would loosen me up. Exactly where I feel like being.

“Fine. But seriously if a girl comes up to me your gonna do something about it.”

“Why would you have a problem with girls coming up to you?”

“Why do you have a problem with guys coming up to YOU?” Ahhh…. That made sense.

“Touché.” I said as Damon parked right in front of the club. I got out and I knew there was going to be a condition.

3….. 2….. 1…..

“One condition.”

Ha! I knew it!

“You can’t get drunk.”

“WHAT?? WHY??”

“Because I can’t bring you back to school drunk. Besides we’re here to have fun… sober.”

“But being sober IS no fun.” I said as I pouted hoping we would give in. Keep your fingers crossed.

“Not the point. Now let’s go.” Ugh!

“So not fair.” I mumbled.

As we got in it was fairly dark with light dancing around and people making out and grinding against each other. I could see a couple of guys stare at me and some girls looking at Damon.

As I was walking to the bar with Damon a guy came up to me and said, “Hey. Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only ten I see.” Seriously? I looked at Damon for help but he was clearly trying not to laugh.

“First of all try googling some new lines. They might help you a bit. Second I don’t want to go up your ass. So you can leave now, bye!” I said as I waved to him signalling he could leave. As soon as he walked away Damon burst out laughing.

“Shut up it wasn’t even that funny.”

“What are you talking about? You should have seen his face when you talked back at him. He clearly thought he had a chance with that line.”

“Okay, I guess it was pretty funny.” As soon as I said that I let all my laughter out. After a few minutes we calmed down. A blonde girl came up to us, looking like some kind of prostitute. Oh, no. Not again.

“Hey there. You wanna have some fun?” Really? How straight forward could you get?

“Sorry I can’t.” I looked at the blonde and saw in her eyes that she had a goal and she wouldn’t leave till she got him and then I looked back at Damon and felt sympathy towards him.

“Really you clearly look available. Why don’t we go back to my house. My parents are gone for the entire week.” I almost chocked if I was drinking something. Well this just got interesting!

I was waiting for Damon’s answer when he said, “Um well actually I’m not… erm… available. This here’s my girlfriend.” Say WHAT? I looked at him and his eyes said ‘Help me!’

“Yep. I’m his girlfriend.”

“Really? You don’t look like a couple?” Could she not just walk away!

“We are.” Damon said as he slid his arm around me.

“Okay then prove it. Kiss. Or we can just skip the act and you can come  to mine.” I looked at her in disbelief. I turned my head at Damon and saw him leaning towards me. I closed my eyes and leaned too pretending as I did it every day and it was normal for me. Our lips met halfway. And I did something I thought I never would do. I kissed Damon.

*If you are reading this. Then please do not get bored as the problem of the story hasn't started yet. This is just the beginning. I promise you more.*

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