Chapter 15 - Succumbed

Start from the beginning

She continued to run before stopping a couple of metres away from them. "Stone." She paused to catch her breath as she was panting from all the running.

"Tara, what happened?" Stone asked with concern.

"We found Order's headquarters in the west so Rafael sent me to get help. Their base is somehow a giant ice castle."

Stone frowned. "I'll round up the team, but we'll need some stationed here to secure this bunker until we get back. We have some prisoners in the cells." He turned and walked back into the bunker, with Tara following closely behind.

❄ ❄ ❄

David, Estella, Stone and two other glacial keepers had decided to travel to the west of Polarfrost, led by Tara. Uncle William, Matthew and the others stayed behind to keep an eye out for the prisoners and anyone who might want to free them.

"This ice castle you mentioned, how is that even possible?" Stone asked.

Tara shook her head. "I don't know, I thought it was strange too. I was sent to get help before Team Beta had begun their attack and I hope they're okay."

David was running alongside Estella. As usual, he had to use his best efforts just to keep up with her. "Ella, you should've stayed behind. Order headquarters are sure to be swarmed with guards and I'd feel better knowing that you'll be safe."

Estella shot him a familiar agitated look.

David flinched. "Sorry... I know you can take care of yourself. It's just that, I don't want anything to happen to you. It's kind of my fault you got in this whole mess."

Estella slowed down a little. "Don't worry about me." She turned and gave him a smile. "And are you kidding? This is the most fun thing that's ever happened to me."

"Fighting creepy stalkers and kidnappers in a frozen wasteland is your idea of fun?"

Estella laughed. "Well, it's better than sitting in a boring class learning algebra. Or sitting at home doing homework."

Her laugh had caused butterflies in David's stomach. He stole a glance at her and watched as Estella's long beautiful hair swayed against the icy winds. Her thoughtful dark brown eyes were focused on the journey ahead. Ever since the time in the cave with her, where he had learned more about her past and had embraced her, he felt something warm and fuzzy whenever he was around her or even thought of her. Gosh... I really do like her.

Running alongside her and thinking of Estella made time go by quickly. The ice castle was now in sight, but his legs ached from the journey. Cautiously, David and Team Alpha approached the entrance of the stunning fortress. Arrows were scattered around the field but the castle's walls were unguarded. In fact, no one stood in front of the doors to the building. Something's not right. Where is everyone? he wondered. Stone bravely took charge and opened the door with his battle-axe poised to strike.

They marched right into the castle without anyone in their way. And there was still no sign of life. David fought the urge to yell out hello and see if the enemy would greet him back from their hiding spot. "It's awfully quiet in here," David whispered to Estella. She nodded grimly.

The sound of a bowstring being pulled back reached David's sharp ears. "Look out!" he immediately grew a layer of ice around his body and ran in front of Estella. An arrow flew towards them and rebounded harmlessly off David's protected chest. Stone's training had improved the strength of his natural armour. Well, if being covered in a suit of ice was even considered natural. Team Alpha reacted quickly, raising their weapons and shields and covering each other's backs. Enemy soldiers were now reappearing from the shadows and gathered around them from other rooms. Some of them had bows, but most carried either a sword or a spear.

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