O2. I'm Out On My Own

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brendon had taken the tour quite well, to say the least. as far as pete had seen, some kids screamed or had panic attacks, but brendon urie, well, he just did that little nod of his and smiled. he felt bad for the kid, to say the least, because it wasn't until the end of the tour when brendon asked where the kitchen was- when it had been shown to him only minutes before- that pete remembered that the kid couldn't even make memories. 

patrick said it was called, 'anterograde amnesia', and pete had no idea what that meant, but that's why patrick was the doctor, and pete was the warden. all he did was keep track of who was here, who entered, who left, who was sane, who was insane, who had been cured, who had died. that's all pete did, patrick was the one who did the nasty stuff. he couldn't picture patrick, his sweet, innocent, angelic little patrick, preforming a lobotomy on a child, but it was ordinary stuff for pat, and well, pete still couldn't see him doing it, even if the sanatorium had been open for about three years now. 

they had been young when they started the place up, in their early twenties, because patrick had a dream. or at least he claimed he did. he said he had found the cure to insanity. pete went along with it, although he wouldn't be surprised if pat turned out to be the one who was actually insane. letting out a chuckle at the thought, he sat in his chair and set his keys on the desk, flipping through some papers that andrew must've brought in earlier.

there was a knock in his door, and he looked up. "come in," he said, shuffling through his papers again. the gaunt figure of kellin quinn staggered in. kellin was probably pete's favorite patient, because he felt for him more than the others. because no matter what patrick tried to do, kellin was probably beyond a cure - but he never complained, like the others. he simply took it all in, like a big boy, and scars on his cheek - below his right eye - and one on his left temple proved it.

"what's going on, mister bostwick?" pete inquired, setting his hands on his desk. "am i getting a roommate soon? i-i-i saw ryan get one and well i thought i was before him on the list..." he looked down, playing with the too - long sleeves of his pale grey sweater. pete bit down on his bottom lip. it was part of the 'above ground' treatments they did, giving the kids a roommate, so they could have someone to talk to, someone to confide in. him and trick may be monsters, but they weren't heartless.

the truth was, kellin was at the bottom of the list. waking up from his frequent nightmares in yelling fits or hysterical sobbing, or pacing the room - another person wouldn't be able to stand it, possibly. taking a shaky breath, he cursed internally. "tell you what, kels. we got another kid coming in tomorrow - his name is victor or something of that nature. he's got schizo' and depression. he can be your roommate." 

pete regretted the words as soon as they fell out of his mouth, but there was a small tug at his heartstrings as he saw kellin's eyes light up, more than he had ever seen in since the time he was admitted, six months ago. "really? thank you so so so so much mister wentz! you won't regret this." shaking his head in disbelief, he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. 

leaning back on his chair, pete rubbed his face in frustration. oh god, he needed to tell patrick about this sooner or later, so he could adjust his plans and tell the team. deciding he need to write that on his notepad, he flipped to another page.

" patient 3600 to be placed with patient 3542. observe communication. both male. seventeen and nineteen. schizophrenia, depression x insomnia, mania, nightmare dis. check personality on 3542 frequently. keep meds of 3600. lay off meds 3542 starting two weeks after. "

pete was no doctor, but he was the one in charge of keeping his patients happy for visiting and he did get attached to kids, and like he had thought before, kellin was honestly his favourite. taking a shaky sigh, he called in joe. time to tell patrick.

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