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He kept his sword aimed at the person restraining Sam, and didn't take his eyes off of him.

"Rex, you keep the gun on him."

He spoke to the girls. "Raven, Sam, come here."

Raven crossed quickly to his side, but Sam didn't move.

He prodded the man in his bare back with the tip of his sword.

"Hey buddy, take your hands off her. Now."

The guy obliged, and dropped his hand, still not turning around.

Sam didn't move.

"Sam, get over here."

She still didn't move, and he yelled at her.


She stared at the man, a look of awe on her face.

" spoke to me."

The man nodded. Frustration creased Frankie's face, and he reached out and grabbed the man, spinning him around.

"What do you mean he-"

He choked on his words, staring into the eyes of a corpse.

Once Bitten Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora