
"He loved One Direction, it was kind of sadly actually." I replied.

"Okay. Bentley will probably end up singing Car Radio because he's way better at it than me." 

I shrugged, "As long as you guys sing what you're suppose,  behave and are amazing, that's all that matters."

She nodded. She was asking more questions about the funeral and if they needed to know anything else. I was answering these questions. It was a normal conversation. Then Donnie walked in. Right away there was tension. He was wearing black ripped jeans with a blue plaid shirt that had the sleeves half way rolled up, black boots and a silver chain hanging from his pants. 

"When you'd get here?" He asked me.

"Not too long ago. Just wanted to get right to work. Don't worry about these guys, I got it. Since you're good at math you can work on the math part of this co ownership." I understand that I speaking nervously and quickly. How else am I suppose be like if it's awkward between us.

"Right." He seemed annoyed. He left.

Amber looked at me and Lydia walked out of the studio, looking curious. 

I turned to them, "Alright, lets get as much rehearsal time that we can get in." 

"You two seem tense." Lydia pointed out. 

I shook my head, "Donnie and I? What're crazy?" I know it's obvious that we're tense around each other, but why would I admit it?

Amber and Lydia got in about 2 hours of rehersal time. It was really nice to keep my mind off everything. Haynes was right, just had to keep busy. I got a text from Gracie asking if we could get lunch. She's finally allowed off school grounds for lunch. I agreed. I knew I couldn't just leave without telling Donnie. I took a deep breathe and walked into his office. He looked up from his work. 

"I'm heading out for lunch. Just thought you should know." See that wasn't so hard." 

"Well, hurry back. I have to talk to you about the financial part of this business." He seemed serious about it. 

I nodded and left. I wondering if the financial part is bad? My dad was always so good with money, he couldn't have had the studio in debt. It's probably best for me not to think about it. I quickly went home and got my car. I drove to the front of the school, where Gracie was waiting for me. She was wearing a black jean mini skirt with patches all over it, dark grey loose tank top, grey beanie and black boots. She looked so cute, in a Gothic kind of way. She got into the front seat of my car and we drove off. We went to In-n-Out Burger. We decided to eat inside. After we ordered and got our food, we found a comfy booth to sit in. 

"How's school going?" I asked.

"Alright. I still suck at every subject but art. And I see this so annoying school counselor. Miss Elvn, she think she understands me but she really doesn't."

"Is she young or old?"

"Super young, I think only a few years older than you. She has never been in a situation like me, but always talks about how her ex had to deal with my kind of stuff."

"She sounds obsessive." I pointed out. 

"Right?! I asked how they broke up and she said that they technically didn't because he never said that he wanted to break up. She's insane. She thinks that they'll end up together."

"What's his name?"

"She brought it up once when Haynes took me to get re accepted and I now I forget." 

"I totally want to see how crazy she is."

"After lunch I could let you meet her."

"Gotta make it back to the studio. Donnie wants to talk to me." I sounded less than thrilled. 

"Something happened between you two, spill the details."

"How do you always know?" I questioned.

"It's all in your voice. So spill."

I looked around, like I was gonna see someone who I knew, "He kissed me."

"Did you kiss back?"

I shook my head.

"Gross. He's like super old."

"Plus I'm dating Haynes."

"That too. So, he likes you?"

I shrugged, "I guess. I just don't want to work with him anymore." 

"So, fire him."

"I can't do that to him. That job is his life."

"Then talk about it like adults."

I sighed, "I hate when 18 year olds out smart me."

She just smiled. We finished eating and I dropped her off at school. I drove back to the studio. I knocked on Donnie's door and walked in. He was on the phone, I waited by the door. Again, he sounded pissed. He hung up without saying goodbye. I just look at him and took a seat. 

"We need to talk about that stupid kiss that seems to be destroying my life."

"Well this had nothing to do with money." I said with a big fake smile painted on. 

"You weren't going to talk with me if I didn't lie."

"You kissed me. That's it."

"Then get over it. Stop making everything so awkward. I'm trying to work here and trying to have everything be sane."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. I'm going home to get ready for the funeral tomorrow." I got up and left. 

When I got home, I crashed. This is me getting ready for the funeral. 

Stay with Me #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now