Chapter 2: You worthless trash!

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Welcome to my second chapter of the book guysssss😜 make sure to read my a/n at the bottom



I was walking around, trying to waste myself some time because I have nothing better to do other than walk around.

You see, my family doesn't like me. I'm a disgrace to the family because my mom says I am.

I'm starting to think that I am a waste of space. That I wasn't even supposed to live in this world, things would go much much easier for everyone if I wasn't here.


'ouchh!'I groan, stupid fuĉking shít, I just walked into a wall. I didn't even watch where I was walking because I was lost in my own thoughts. I sigh, I can't even watch where I'm going.

I see my favourite place to go whenever I feel stressed, the park.

I don't know what brings me peace here, it just calms me whenever I'm feeling down. Which helps me because no body knows that I come here. I mostly see mothers playing with their daughters, I get jealous though because that's all I ever wanted, to be loved and cared by someone but of course I'll never get that. I'm used to my shîtty life, where there's only darkness.

Well there is one thing that helps me take the pain away sometimes, my razor blade. I don't regret every single scar I've given myself because I don't deserve pity and sympathy.

I walk past the playground and sat down a bench where I am obviously going to do my 10 page essay. I love how the sun is shining, I admire the beauty so much, and the play structure is also nice but it kind of looks old. It's got the red and black paint coming off.

I think this was made in 2006 because it looks very old but it's still functioning well.

'welp better get started on my 10 page essay, Jesus Christ why is this so long?' I think to myself, well this is going to take a while.


"Hey! heyy! girrrl! wake up" a little girl says while poking my cheeks, it's kind of funny because she sounds so worried. I chuckle to myself mentally.

"Oh mommy look she's awake because I woke her up" she smiles cheekily. I flutter my eyes open to see myself laying down on a bench, how embarrassing. The worst part is I'm practically drooling. I feel myself blush in embarrassment, I mouthed a 'thank you' to the cute little girl standing in front of me. She makes me wish I had that kind of life where you worry about nothing, all I wanted was a damn decent fun childhood but nooooo. My family had to ruin it for me, couldn't they like put me in adoption or something? that would've been nice.

I gather up my things and head home, everyone should've gone out at this time which gives me time to eat and sneak in my room. Hopefully.

I check the time it was 5:34 PM, I slept for about an hour and a half in the park. Whoops, not my fault I don't get enough sleep at home because of my alcoholic father and mother. Sigh.

I quickened my pace so no one will see me enter hells cell. Just kidding, my house. It's only 2 more streets away, I can make it I can make I-

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