He shrugged.

"No one touches those," Rick demanded being a party pooper. "What do we got to lose?" I said going back to my stubborn ways. Rick glared at me.

"What? I mean look at us! We are barely surviving! Sooner or later one of us is going to have to take the risk and I'm willing to do that!" I yelled.

"Be quiet," Rick said.

A clap of thunder filled my ears as rain poured out the sky. My eyes lit up and I turned to face Carl.  The thunder got louder and Judith started to cry. Daryl told us to follow him because he knew where a barn was.

We all walked in checking the place to make sure it was clear. Once we knew it was I grabbed a blanket curling up in a corner next to Noah.

"So, Lil Dixon," Noah said. I didn't reply as I heard T's voice. "Ellie?" He questioned. I shook my head. "Sorry, I was..." I shrugged. "Thinking." He finished for me.

"How long have you been with Carl?" He asked. "3-4 months?"

Noah nodded. "You two have something special." I looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

"The way he looks at you protects you."

I closed my eyes and nodded. "Go to sleep," Noah said. I yawned, "I'm not tired." He laughed. "Whatever, Dixon."

"It's Moore."


I woke up to everyone yelling. I rubbed my eyes and Carl laid Judith down so he could help keep the door shut. I ran to the door and pushed all my force to keep it shut. Noah came up behind me and helped me on my side. I heard Carl scoff. "What?!" I yelled over the thunder and walkers.

"Nothing." He rolled his eyes. "Something." I returned his gesture. When he didn't reply I dropped it and focused on keeping the door shut.


Judith smiled at me as Rick handed her to me that morning. "Hey." I cooed. My thoughts were filled with how much she looks like Lori. I thought about how Lori and Shane used to have an affair. Judith looked more like Shane then Rick. I tilted my head. Rick looked at me strangely. "What?" He said. I shook my head. "Nothing." I gave Judith her bottle.

Carl walked over to me grabbing her from my arms. I grabbed his wrist before he could walk away. "What's wrong with you?!" I raised my voice.

He yanked his arm away and left me standing there. Rosita walked over to me. "He's just going through guy things." She assured me.

"No, he's being the bitch he always was!" I yelled. "I'm the bitch!" He walked over to me. Everyone looked at us. "Why don't we just calm down," Glenn said.

"Let them fight it out," Daryl said.

"Yes, you are." I rolled my eyes. "Ellie you don't know how much I hate you! You're annoying and I can't stand you!" He yelled. "I could say the same about you." I stood on my tippy toes.

"You know what fuck you!" Carl stepped closer to me. "Gladly!" I said. Carl grabbed my waist crashing his lips against mine.

Everyone's eyes went wide.

My arms snaked around his neck. Maggie walked in and I pulled back. Carl blushed and walked away. I looked at my feet and grabbed my bag off the ground.

I went to the other side of the barn as the adults talked.


We arrived at a gated resident. Carl turned and was starring at something. I turned to look but nothing was there. A girl by the name of Deanna wanted to talk to us. We put away our weapons and all got an interview with her.

After my interview, she told me where I would be staying. Rick said that we all are staying in his house. Michonne handed me clothes. "Showers in there." She pointed I nodded and walked in.

I bathed and when I got out I wiped the water from the mirror. The door opened and Carl walked in locking the door. "What are you doing?" I asked.

Carl laughed. "Sorry, I thought you were out." He backed away shaking his head.

I grabbed my clothes and put them on. "Yes," I asked opening the door. "Have you seen Carl?" Rick said. I looked behind me. "Uhh."

Rick shook his head. "Carl!" He yelled.

Elsewhere (Carl Grimes) {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now