Breaking Apart

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Kim's Residence
Graduation Party

It's been already 1 week after they graduated from high school. Suho held a party at his house and invite all his friends to join the party. His parents not at home but he already ask permission from them. Suho arrived with Chorong, he bring her to his room and both sitting at the bed.
Suho: I've got something to tell you.
Chorong: what is it?
Suho: (take something from behind his pocket) this..
Chorong: letter? From?
Suho: from the university I applied few months back.
Chorong: (silent)
Suho: heii.. baby you okay?
Chorong: actually..I've got mine too (take something from her handbag)
Suho: you got letters too? Did you read it?
Chorong: not yet..I'm planning to tell you first and only I will read it.
Suho: in that case we open it together, hopefully we got a good news.

Both nervously open the letter and read silently, suho look at Chorong who is focus on reading.
Suho: rong, how is it? You got in?
Chorong: (silent) oppa, I got in!
Suho: seriously?! Congrats baby!
Chorong: you?
Suho: (make sad face and slowly form a smile) I got in too!!
Chorong: congrats oppa!!! (They hug each other)
Suho: when is your admission date?
Chorong: 14 December (sad tone).
Suho: huh? It is 2 weeks from now. Are you ready?
Chorong: I'm actually excited to go for study but sad to leave my family, our friends and especially you.
Suho: my admission date 1 January next year. I guess you will leave me first. Don't be sad okay? You make me harder to let you go.
Chorong: I'm sorry oppa, I don't know how to live my life without your by my side. I don't know how to aspect.
Suho: be strong and think positive okay, I know it's hard but we try our best.
Chorong: thanks for your encouragement oppa, I will do well in my study and so do you.
Suho: okay, promise me to always keep in touch with each other.
Chorong: promise..

Someone knock and open the door, it was Kai. He come and approach them with angry look at his face.
Kai: hyung! Did you invite her coming to our house?
Suho: who you talking about?
Kai: Hyolyn and her best friend Sayou and Dasom.
Suho: no, I didn't invite them. Why?
Kai: they are here 10 minutes ago. They hangout with the others.
Suho: this girl really making me angry.
Chorong: oppa, let them be, as long as she don't cause any trouble everything will be fine.

They go downstairs together, Suho entertain his friends meanwhile Chorong went to toilet. Hyolyn saw Suho and walk and stand near him. Suho grab her hand and went to kitchen.
Suho: what are you doing here?
Hyolyn: I know you didn't invite me and my friends but I'm coming because I want to say my sorry to you for everything that I've done.
Suho: (taken aback with her confession) what you mean?
Hyolyn: this is the last time we going to see each other faces. I'm going abroad to continue my study, before that I want to say sorry for the bad things I've ever done to you.
Suho: are you serious? You not playing jokes right?
Hyolyn: do I look like I'm joking? I'm serious and I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.
Suho: okay, I forgive you and good luck with your study.
Hyolyn: thank you. Chorong is so lucky to have you as her boyfriend.
Suho: (blushing) actually I'm the one who lucky to have her in my life.
Hyolyn: hope you relationship will last forever.
Suho: thank you.
Hyolyn: friend?
Suho: friend (both shake hands).

Hyolyn went to the table and pour drinks for both of them.
Hyolyn: here you go (handed Suho glass of orange juice).
Suho: (take the glass) thank you.
Hyolyn: cheers! I'm sorry and thank you for being my friend. I pray for your happiness with Chorong will last forever.
Suho: cheers! Good luck for your study and I'm sure you can find the right guy for you out there.

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