Another Boy is Your Ex

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After the break up you disappeared. The gang comforted Johnny as they felt they should but oddly enough it never sat right with Dallas that you were just gone. No one had seen hide or tail of you. Dally found himself missing your presence. Your laughter, your attitude, even the scent of your perfumed mixed with cigarettes. He missed it all. So one night Dallas went searching for you. He found you oddly enough at your house. You'd been hiding out ever since the break up. Not wanting to risk running into the gang or worse Johnny. Dallas knocked on the door and charmed your mother into letting him in. You were more than surprised to see Dallas Winston standing in your bed room. 

"What are you doing here?" you asked from where you were seated on your bed. You were trying to make it look like you hadn't been wallowing in self pity. You and Dallas had always gotten along really well. Johnny had commented on how happy he was that his best friend and his girlfriend got along. 

"You disappeared on us," Dallas said as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "I wanted to check on you. See how you were fairing." 

"You don't have to act like you care about me Dallas. I hurt Johnny. You don't have to pretend you still like me," you said bitterly. There was a long pause as Dallas played with his fingers. 

"I do like you though," Dallas said finally. He shook his head in disbelief. "That's the crazy thing, (Y/N). When Johnny told me that you two broke up I was happy. I had this stupid crush on you and I couldn't do anything about it. So I pushed it down and ignored it because I didn't want to hurt Johnny. But now, now I have a chance with you." 

"Dallas," you sighed. Dallas reached out to take your hand and you were surprised by how warm his palm was.  You turned his hand over in yours and lightly traced his palm, making him shiver. "Don't you get it? I destroy every guy I'm with. You don't want to be with me. I'll just break you." 

"Oh, Doll Face. Don't you get it? I'm already broken. There's nothing left for you to destroy. There ain't a thing you can do to hurt me more than I've already been," Dallas said. He leaned in and kissed the corner of your mouth. 

"But what about Johnny?" 

"Johnny will be fine. He just wants us both to be happy." 

"That boy was way too good for me," You murmured.

"You and me both." 


You yawned and stretched a bit feeling Darry shift behind you. You and Darry had just started seeing each other and it was your first night staying over. It was still a little early and you could tell Darry just wanted to sleep more. He pulled you into his chest and put some of his weight on top of you to pin you to the bed. 

"Sleep, dear," He muttered as he muzzled into your neck making you giggle. You settled down again and began to run your fingers through Darry's hair. You had almost fallen back asleep when Soda came bursting into the room. 

"Dar have you seen- (Y/N)?" Soda asked confused. You picked your head up at the sound of your name. 

"Soda? What are you doing here?" you asked. Darry grumbled as he rolled over and glared at his younger brother. 

"I could ask you the same thing," Soda replied a little snippy. 

"Don't talk to my girl like that Soda," Darry said, finally sitting up. 

"Your girl?" Soda asked with raised eyebrows. "Does Two know your screwing his sloppy seconds?" 

"You better watch your mouth, boy. I'll end you. Now get out," Darry practically growled. Soda huffed and shot you one last look before leaving, slamming the door behind him.  You fell back on the bed and put a pillow over your head. "(Y/N)?"

The Outsiders PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora