The First Time

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"Man, I kinda feel dumb wearing this jersey." I said to my brother as we were walking towards the Sarnia team. Matthew laughed, for way longer than needed. "Yeah, it is kinda weird. Especially since he's kinda a buddy of mine."

That was true, Jakob had come to our old house once. When we lived in Florida, he came to the party Matthew and I threw. I didn't figure this out until we moved, but his childhood house was actually just a few blocks away from ours.

I will never, ever, forget the first time I met Jakob Chychrun. It was a pool party since it was the middle of July. He walked into the backyard with nothing but his shorts and hat on. My friend Lindsay's jaw just fell open. I turned around slowly and saw Jakob, making eye contact with his husky blues. He was absolutely gorgeous, but I knew he was kinda off limits. I didn't invite him, and I've never seen him before so I automatically knew he was invited by Matt. But hey, I definitely did not complain! When we made eye contact he smiled so I returned it. As I was turning back around to Lindsay, trying to hide my red cheeks, something splashed me. I turned around, ready to yell at whoever it was until I saw who emerged out of the glistening pool.
"Sorry, thought you looked a little too hot." Jakob smiled and winked before he crawled out of the pool. My jaw just hung open.

I wondered if he remembered that. It was less than a year ago, but I bet he uses that sort of line on every girl. I don't think he'd remember me.

I straightened out my jersey after punching my brother in the arm. Man he could be such an ass. I held my head up high and started talking with Matt again so I looked cool in front of the Sarnia boys.

Man was I right, they were gorgeous. I thought it couldn't get any better until a tall blonde walked up to Matt and hugged him.

"Man, I haven't seen 'ya in so long Chucks! How are you, bro." The beautiful boy with short blonde hair and a strong body exclaimed.

I would've never known who it was, until he turned to face me. "So, Olivia, pretty hot jersey 'ya got there." The boy winked and smirked. It was him, and he remembered who I was.

"Looks like Jakob finally got a clue and chopped off the lettuce." I tease, smoothing out my jersey. How is it possible he got even better looking?!

"Looks like Olivia finally got a clue and started cheering for a good team." He teased back, punching Matt in the arm. They began play fighting until we got called by the GM.

It was time for us to drop the puck.

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