Chapter 1 - Miami

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I was just a regular girl living in Miami, Florida. I guess you could say I lived a normal life. I had friends and the best family ever. One thing I love most was to sing. No one knew that except of course my family. I was really shy when it came to singing in front of people because I was always afraid of what people thought. I know I shouldn't but I can't help to know what others think of me. So because of this, when no one was around, I always sang to myself. But today was different. I woke up with more confidence than usual still lying in my bed thinking. 

That was it. I woke up and today is the day I decided to audition for X Factor. It was a huge jump from being shy but this was something I wanted to do. I don't know how or where I finally got the confidence from but I'm glad I did because I was going to chase my dream. I sat up on my bed for a moment and thought to myself. Maybe I should be more comfortable singing in front of others before singing in front of all of America on national television. Suddenly I heard my mom and i quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

"Lauren! You're going to be late for school!" my mom yelled.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back.

I quickly did my morning routine, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, fixing my hair and putting on my uniform. Yes, i go to a private school called Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart. I got a scholarship to go there to play softball. 

I ran downstairs almost tripping but luckily I caught myself. My dad was honking signaling me to hurry up because we were late as it is. I grabbed my backpack and ran to the car. I looked at my dad and he seemed tense. It was probably because we were late.

"Lauren you have to wake up on time. We're late as it is." my dad said.

"I know I'm sorry dad.." I said pouting.

"It's okay I can never get mad at my baby girl." he said and smiled.

My dad drove me to school and I quickly ran through the halls trying to get to class before the bell rang. Luckily I made it right before it rang. Throughout the entire school day I tried to keep myself awake during my classes. 


It was lunch time and I sat down with my best friends Lucy, Vero, and Alex.

"So guys, I've been thinking.." I say nervously.

"Spit it out Lauren" Vero says.

"I was thinking about auditioning for X factor. And well.. I think I.. sing well.. Well that's at least what my family tells me.." I say.

"NO WAY! You have to sing for us then!" says Alex in excitement.

"Not now! Obviously I will later." I say.

"Cmon Lauren. I think you should sing for us now. You know?.. build up some confidence in yourself!" says Lucy.

"No no it's too embarrassing.. People will laugh guys.." I say nervously.

"Please Lauren, you might as well sing now and build up confidence. Just imagine everyone in their underwear if it makes you feel more comfortable!" says Vero trying to convince me to sing.

I start to giggle and I could feel my face turning red. After I stopped laughing, I calmly collected myself and started to sing American by Lana Del Ray.

Play house, put my favorite record on
Get down, get your Crystal Method on
You were like, tall, tan, drivin' 'round the city
Flirtin' with the girls like, "You're so pretty"
"Springsteen is the king, don't you think?"
I was like, "Hell yeah, that guy can sing"
Like ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-oh

You make me crazy, you make me wild
Just like a baby, spin me 'round like a child
Your skin's so golden brown
Be young, be dope, be proud
Like an American
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-ooh
Like an American
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ooh ooh-ooh

After I finished, everyone in the lunchroom started to smile and clap for me. This made me so happy. I guess this means I'm ready to audition for X Factor.

Camila's P.O.V.

I'm Camila. I live in Miami, Florida. In my opinion, I think I'm an outgoing person, not gonna lie. I love to sing and dance, well I mean, I wish I could dance. One thing you should know about me is that I absolutely love Ed Sheeran and One Direction. I was never really popular in my school. I mean I didn't have a lot of friends, just two awesome best friends which I was totally fine with because I love them to death! Their names were Marielle and Sandra. I was excited for school today because I was going to tell Marielle and Sandra that I was going to audition for X Factor and well, I needed there help to audition online haha. 

I quickly walked to school and when I arrived I quickly walked to my locker. I gasped. My locker was decorated. I thought to myself for a moment and realized it was my birthday! How could I forget my own birthday?! I guess I was so caught up in telling Marielle and Sandra about me auditioning for X Factor. Suddenly I hear someone scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAKS!!". It was Marielle and Sandra. And yes that's what both my family and friends call me haha. 


The bell rang and we all went to class. I didn't have time to tell them about the news but that was okay because I was going to walk home with them after school anyways.

(A few hours later)

School was finally over and I was waiting in front of the school for my Marielle and Sandra. They finally came and once we started walking home, I told them the news.

"OH MY GOD KAKS THAT'S AMAZING!" Marielle screams.

"Thanks guys, I really want to do it. And I was wondering if you guys would help me audition online.. I was thinking about singing Skyscraper by Demi Lovato." I say.

"Of coursee! That's what friends are for right?!" Sandra says.

I smiled. I was really happy knowing my best friends were supporting me. I finally got home and walked into my house. Next thing I know, I'm being ambushed with hugs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILA!' Sofi screams. Sofi is my little sister. I love her so much.

"Thank you baby, I love you." I say while kissing her forehead.

"Happy Birthday mija" my parents say. Oh yea did I mention I was Cuban-Mexican American?

I say thank you and sit them down to tell them I wanted to audition for X Factor. They loved the idea and the fact that I was chasing my dreams. My life had just started from there.

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