Chapter Nine

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"Just breathe." The handsome gentleman said softly. He sat on the edge of the mattress a safe distance away, watching as my shoulders rose then fell.

His usual messy hair was brushed back in a super short ponytail, granting me permission to sneak a peak at the top of his birthmark.

It was similar to a bare tree in fall. The thin branches of light pink ran to the middle of his neck. The trunk located somewhere beneath his collar.

He sensed me staring and started to tug at the collar of his shirt nervously.

"I'm sure you have a million things you want to say," he rambled, "but do you think-"

I cut him short lightly rested a hand on the top of his.

"What was bothering you that day back in Dr. Manor's lab?"

The hero went stiff. He hid his wavering emotion by slipping his hand away from mine. The space between us grew bigger.

He marched across the oak floor towards a dresser. The drawers were thrown open with a strong amount of force. His knuckles a ghostly white.

Clothes piled beside his feet. He continued to carelessly dig. Never pulling out an answer to my question.

Finally, he looked back at me. His expression stone cold except that little spark in those green orbs. It made my heart tighten.

I stood to my toes and captured his face in between my palms.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, hoping in some way those eyes give me a response.

We studied the other for a minute before his arms came around me, keeping us close together.

"That man hurt you," he muttered, "and continually uses you."

I clutched onto his white tee. It was hard hearing the truth aloud. But what made it even harder was knowing there wasn't anything I could do to change that fact.

Yes, the doctor used me and all the other projects like his personal servants. We were willing to listen though. This is because we knew our lives could easily be ended.

Just like his...

I pushed myself from the safety of Dark Shadow's hold and tried to stay emotionless.

"Please tell Mr. Black to stop interfering with Dr. Manor's work."

Dark Shadow bit his lower lip, "I can't do that."

"And why not?" I shouted feeling something snap inside.

If he didn't that just be another tally in the list of innocent people getting hurt.

"Because, Cresswood Black has been dead for years now." He smiled sadly then scratched the back of his neck, "the person interfering with your doctor's work is his son."

"His son?"

This didn't make sense. In the folder, it said Cresswood had no living relatives. Dr. Manor has never gotten anything wrong.

What was happening?

I froze as Dark Shadow stated the obvious. He was Mr. Black's son and he planned to be the one to destroy Peter Manor.

"But why?" I fought to say over my tears, "aren't you suppose to be a hero?"

A flash of sadness ran across Dark Shadow's face. He didn't let it last long before shaking his head. His strong facade fading.

"I'll never be a hero." He revealed as he took hold of the slick black mask on the dresser, "being a hero means having a heart."

"You have a heart." I said, laying my palm flat against the left side of his chest. His heartbeat fragile but surely there.

He rested his nose in my hair and exhaled. The warmth of his breath arose goosebumps upon my flesh while familiar sparks began to dance.

It was a sudden movement. We obeyed the sudden carve for more of the thrilling feeling. Our faces grew closer together- only an inch or so apart.

He captured hold of my chin. His velvet thumb casually running over my swollen lower lip ever so often. Each time a little rougher than the last.

I fell under his mercy. My knees were shaking and palms sticky. He could do whatever he wanted as long as he made this strange desire go away.

His lips slightly brushed the tip of
my nose. He broke away and judged the blush beating bright in my cheeks.

"No, I don't have a heart." He honeyed before forcing a tight smile, "he stole that from me a long time ago, Rosalind."


He said that name so nonchalant. It rolled off his tongue naturally and awoke memories of a time that was suppose to stay taboo. How did he know that name?

My sights landed on his face and somehow through my racing heart and shortness of breath- I saw him. The nine year old boy with the fierce green eyes ready to take on whatever life threw at him.

Darien, my mind sang then an image of him fallen to the cold ground flashed as a reminder. It couldn't be him. He was buried under a rose bush. The doctor said so.

The world started to spin a little faster. Everything growing cloudy. I was unsure what to believe was reality or my imagination anymore.

The confusion left me frustrated. Tears ran down and with the loud waterworks came a snotty nose. I wanted to sob but the sound wouldn't leave my mid-throat.


Where was he? In front of me or apart of nature? All I wanted was him to respond!

Dark Shadow gulped. He looked about ready to wrap me in a bone crushing hug but my feet took a step back. A hand keeping a good amount of distance between us.

"No,"a whisper warned.

He was putting hopeful ideas in my head. He couldn't come near. He needed to turn into a figment.

Dark Shadow halted from taking any action. He watched as I inched closer to the balcony. That name still stuck on his lips.

"Rosalind," he plead gently while offering a hand, "it'll be okay."

I stared at him still seeing that boy with a precious semi-smile. The small part left of my younger self begged to latch on to him but the fear offered a haven so I took that route faraway from here.

I'm not a huge Carly Rae Jepsen fan but this song is definitely one of my favorites. It gives me the feels and goes perfectly with this chapter. So it's a win-win right?

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