** [Author's Note] **

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Hello Lovely Readers!

Dedication"To those who are broken but still persevere

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"To those who are broken but still persevere."


I want to thank you for reading Dream of This. This story came to me one night as a dream and it grew into this heartbreaking yet powerful message about finding your strength even at the darkest hour. Below are a few notes about this story—

(1.) Dream of This can be read as a standalone novel, but will also be part of a continuing series called— The Witch Guardian Novels. Mari's story is first, but still reads well as a prequel to Behind the Lies.

(2.) Please feel free to like and comment. I'll do my best to respond but sometimes I'm terrible at keeping up. Doesn't mean I'm not insanely thankful for every one of them. I love to interact with every reader.

 I love to interact with every reader

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(3.) This story is an Adult novel (the main character is 30) but it's enjoyable for 16+ because I do curse and there's some violence and romance. Though none of that requires a Mature rating from Wattpad.

(4.) Dream of This is an urban fantasy/ paranormal romance. While romance is an integral part of the plot there is a lot of action, fighting scenes, and heartbreak so read with that in mind. This story has recently been updated to include a revision, but as all my work on Wattpad is free there will still be edit issues as this isn't published work.

Thanks again for your support!!

Copyright Information
Please be respectful and not steal my work! My work will only be found on Wattpad.

"Remember in everything that is light, there is always something dark behind them. It's a shadow, a lurking bit of darkness that can escape. You cannot have one without the other. But always remember that even the brightest witches still have that darkness in them. It was the way they are born. They must make sure that the light always eclipses the dark."

"Every moment of your life you'll be tested. Every day that darkness that lives within you will want to escape. It will try to devour the light and turn you dark. You must always stay strong, keep yourself stronger than the weakness of our souls. You'll be tested in greed, anger, and you will be tortured in a life that won't be perfect. A life without these things is impossible. It's what you do after that will show your true self. It's the love and the return of true love that will keep you going. And when you're at your lowest point, the point you decide for yourself, who you truly are."

"You are strong enough. You just haven't been tested, and when you're tested, you'll know."

🖤 🖖🏼

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