Abandoned Statuses

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So I've been seeing this a lot recently and I don't like it.

When someone writes a status and doesn't back to update it for months.

And it especially annoys me when the status is something like this:

Updating now!!! (4 months ago)


Okay, so you've been updating for four months? Like, you couldn't be bothered to write anything else there? We'd all love to know what you're doing right now. Or these:

Sorry I haven't been on lately guys but I promise I will be on all the time now!!! (7 months ago)

Honestly, I don't think you've kept your promise.

And I guess it just annoys me to go back to peoples profiles all the time and just read the same status. Because whenever I click a profile, it's the first thing I read. It's at the top. Especially on the mobile app, where it's literally the ONLY thing you can see when you tap a profile (besides the Profile picture and name and location and such).

And don't even get me started on when people use their statuses as a bio. Example:

Hey Guys! I'm super nerdy but you'll learn to love me! And if you read my works, I love you!! <3 (3 years ago)


It's not like there's an entire BIO SECTION to write that stuff RIGHT THERE.

So, to summarize this chapter, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update your statuses!! I love them!

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