I Have No Heart

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We've all seen them. But I don't think anyone has really mentioned the stupidity of it before.

The copy and paste "Bullying" paragraph. You know, "You know that boy you made fun of for crying? His mother is dying." YADA YADA YADA.

The one thing that just pisses me off is how at the end it says this:

"Repost this on your page if you're against bullying! I bet 99% of you won't, but the 1% with a heart will."

So basically, because I don't have a reposted thing on my Profile Page, I don't have a heart or I support Bullying? Honestly.

The only reason that isn't on my Bio is because I don't believe that copying and pasting something onto my Profile Page on a website will start a Revolution against bullying. Heck, it will make absolutley no difference in the world.

This is a topic I think many of you will disagree with and you will hate me for saying that, but I really want to hear your opinions on this. Am I the only one who thinks this? Do you agree with me? Or do you just think I'm taking it all too literally? Tell me! We can start a little conversation on our viewpoints.

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