broken taco, broken dreams (a taco boy fic)

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~based on the taco boy vine~

warnings: very sad, angsty, tear jerker, death of a free taco

"hey, how much did you pay for that taco?" he held the phone up to my face, and i instantly smiled.

"you know how it is," i sang, moving around with the taco in my hand, "boy got his free taco."

then, it happened.

i slipped. i tripped over my own feet, and in an instant, i was on the ground. the taco hit the concrete before i did, and my dreams hit it before even that.

immediately, he stopped the recording.

"bro, are you okay?"

i winced in pain. it hurt, but less physically and more emotionally. for one, my taco was on the ground. the meat was smushed, the lettuce soggy, the paper around it ripped. my free taco.

however, it hurt more to see him standing over me like that. i cant believe he saw me fall. of all people, it was him. i felt ruined. how would he ever like me know?

"Bro?" i realized i hadnt answered him.

despite my embarrassment, i stood up and brushed myself off. "yeah bro, im okay." i wasnt, but i lied for his sake.

"Good," he replied, his face softening, "i was worried." i felt my cheeks grow hot, and i looked down to hide my blush.

"hey," he said, taking his index finger and lifting up my chin, "that was a good vine."

i smiled shyly. "thanks, you did well too."

i looked up at him, only to see him looking down. we stayed in this position for a few minutes, him looking down and me looking at him, until finally, he met my gaze.

"hey," he said again, in a whisper.

"hey," i smiled.

"i think... i think youre cooler than any tacos."

this time, my blush deepened and burned my cheeks. "even the broken ones?" i chuckled.

"especially the broken ones." he laughed, before closing the gap between us.

i stepped on the broken taco as i did so, and smiled as i ground the broken shell and pieces of meat further into the ground. it felt like opera music played around me, and i couldnt be happier.

his lips tasted like a full-price taco.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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