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I'm obsessed with perfection ngl

messy rooms stress me out

I just?? idk, I always wonder how people can stand a messy house when I certainly can't. The fun thing is, I live in one,, hah

I'm getting all these things for Christmas to make my room a paradise tbh, it'll be the cleanest in this household

i get bored with things too easily

im envious of u fancy shmancy carpet owners ngl

I can't wait for Christmas

I better not get any crap from my step dad I stg

I don't know if you guys know but I legitimately have OCD hhahaha

it's not fun at all ok

imagine getting anxiety bc you didn't touch a corner correctly or place a sticker correctly,, that's basically it

this is such a useless chapter but I mean hey look at these journals

this is such a useless chapter but I mean hey look at these journals

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Aesthetically (3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora