
Brogan and Charlotte continue to flirt, "You take real good care of my womb, honey – make sure it's placed safely inside Tanya, that's gonna be our baby's home for nine months." She snaps her attention back to me, "I'm sorry, Babe, insensitive of me. Just so you know, you and your folks will have full parental rights over our child; Brogan and I will visit twice a year and will be known as our child's aunt and uncle. We've signed all the relevant consent forms."

I shake my head, look at Brogan and ask, "So what do you get outta this, buddy?"

"You called me buddy, high five!"

We hand slap, he replies, "Money dude, lots of MONEY – and fatherhood without the responsibility – that's EPIC!"

I smile, "EPIC – of course it is." 

Charlotte shoots excitedly back in, "Hey Babe, have you seen my womb?"


"It's so pretty, isn't it?"

"It's gorgeous," is the only answer I have to such a f***** up question.


Brogan devours a burger while I sit and watch.

I'm 'Nil-by-mouth' I can't eat before my surgery.

It would be good if Brogan could respect the fact that not only am I soon to be sliced open and have his girlfriend's womb forced inside me – but also I'm hungry.

I've come to the realisation that he's seriously lacking. I think back to our school days, there was always something missing – intelligence.


The young couple from the diner burst in just as Brogan finishes his burger. They seem flustered, "Brogan, we have an issue," says the woman. The guy corrects her, "I'd say it's more of an opportunity for us," he says. She reconsiders, "You're so right, that's how we should approach this, in a positive way."

The guy addresses Brogan, "We've just heard from The surgeon that she's been called to perform a heart transplant on a VIP at Chicago Memorial Hospital. Obviously, they want the very best to perform it." The woman's excitement escalates, "We're going to assist her – how amazing."

The guy refers to me as if I'm an object rather than a person, "The Surgeon and ourselves will rush straight here afterwards, to perform her op. Time is of the essence – the womb will spoil if we delay any longer." He continues, "So, we want you and Professor Merton to prep her. As soon as you get the message that we're on our way, we want her on the table, anaesthetised and ready for the knife – you understand?"

Brogan looks shell-shocked.

The woman reassures him, "Don't worry, Professor Merton will see to all the medical stuff, you just need to see to her, make sure she doesn't do another disappearing act, OK?"

I see the worry fall from his face, "Sure, I got it – exciting times, huh?"

"Very exciting," say the couple in unison.

They don't have the decency to refer to me by name.


We are back in the Diner waiting for the signal from The Surgeon and her team to get me ready for the transplant.

Professor Merton and Brogan are having coffee and talking animatedly.

She seems a little younger than I remember from my party.

I sit with them, wearing a surgical gown. It's thin cotton, tied loosely at the back. I'm naked underneath, which makes me feel extra vulnerable.

Brogan checks his cell-phone repeatedly, "Are we ready to go as soon as I get the signal," he asks the Professor. I note his nervous energy.

The SurgeonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin