A Tiny Flower and a Dorito That Doesn't Know When to Shut Up

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Flowey was close to wilting now, every reset, every load from a save point always went awry one way or another. If he still retained just a small inkling of his former power he would have just gotten bored and reset again. He mostly tried to find more pieces of dialogue, maybe even, if he was lucky, found some secret room. Yet, every time Flowey did do that, he would be there. Constantly watching his every move, biding his time, just waiting for Flowey to make a wrong turn.

But that grin should be gone. Gone with the others to the surface, and yet still... Flowey couldn't help but feel as if, wherever he goes, the skeleton always has some sort of omnipresence. Both of them could feel it. Flowey only noticed it when the stupid bag of bones came back down to tell everyone the barrier was broken. Pfft, as if no one could here the shattering crack of the barrier as it split apart, what kind of idiots does he take them for? Probably came just to see that spider lady before they moved out together.

Thing is, this feeling is a little... different, slightly demonic and powerful yet limited only to the barest weakness.

"Well hey there Petals," Flowey flinched. That voice wasn't Sans. His voice definitely wasn't auto-synthesised and it definitely didn't sound like it was up to something. "Huh, kinda quiet here all by your lonesome don'cha think?"

Flowey decided to get a better look at the owner of the voice. From what he saw, it was hard to play it cool. "Eh, you get used to it."

"Ha... so, heard that there was supposed to be some sort of entire civilization down here." The being floated in front of Flowey, top hat hidden very well from the flower's sight.

"From what I can tell, you're a talking dorito-illuminati-thing with an eye... who the hell gave birth to you? And to answer your question... yes, but down here we're all just a bunch of idiots... Well, except a few I could mention." Flowey didn't like this guy, but any help on killing everyone was good enough for Flowey. "So... what brings you to the underground?"

The being floated in midair and contemplated to itself. "I guess I just wanted to go sightseeing and see what the whole craze about the "monster world" really is."

"How'd you know? Didn't the barrier just break?"

"So that's what the noise was hm, hm. Since the noise was apparently this 'barrier thing breaking', I think it's been 3 weeks."

One of Flowey's petals fell off before a new one sprouted again. "What..."

The being started to become disinterested and was slowly floating away. "To be honest, half the things I've seen down here is pretty cool though. Hey, maybe we could hang out sometime later."

"Wait!" Flowey faceplanted (get it) into the dirt. By the time he looked up again, the being had disappeared. Darn teleporters.

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